CHAPTER 3 - An Unexpected Confession

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I was standing in the wings watching EJ sing his heart out as he preformed one of my favorite songs from the entire musical, "Me". It was Gaston's proposal song to Belle but in the most self centered Gaston-like way. It was such a funny and comedic song that EJ nailed so well. Watching him prance around the stage with Ashlyn made me smile because you could just tell he was having such a great time. He notices me in the wings and gives me a quick little wink as he continues the song. When it finishes everyone erupts in cheers. I clap super loudly as I watch him exit to my side of the stage.

"Well done Gaston!"

I give him a celebratory high five but he makes a face.

"I sort of forgot a bit of the choreography out there."

"Well you fooled me because I didn't even notice."

He gives me a goofy little thumbs up and hastily heads off to consult his script and drink some water before his next scenes.


It's almost time for me to be on stage for "Be Our Guest" and I dust off my French accent a bit by reciting some of my lines. EJ had spent some time helping me learn the accent although somehow his impressions got worse. I wasn't to shabby with the accent to begin with but I can't help that I'm a perfectionist! I needed it to be flawless.

I see Nini approach me from the side holding one of the hoola hoops covered in fabric that was painted to look like a plate in her little fork costume.

"You ready to dance your heart out night 2!" She asks standing beside me watching the show progress.

"You know it!" 

Nini looks across the stage and then back at me. I can only assume she catches a glimpse of EJ because she asks out of the blue: "So how's it going with EJ?"

I'm unsure with how to respond so I say, "It's going."

"Having some trouble figuring him out?"

I look down at her in surprise. "Yes actually. How did you guess?"

"I dated the guy"

I cover my mouth in shock. "That's right! Oh my gosh I totally forgot."

We both start to laugh. She continues and says, "Sometimes I forget too. We've come such a long way from the start of the year that it feels like so much time has passed. Everything and everyone has changed so much."

"It really has. Like I am DEFINITELY not the same person I was during HSM. So what would be your advice... about the EJ thing?"

Nini pauses to think for a bit.

"I don't really have any. I think I would just tell you to be really clear with what you want from him, or else he's going to be going around poisoning more girls 'in the name of love'. He still is a boy after all and they can be sort of -"


She pointes her finger like I've said the word that was on the tip of her tongue.

"I was going to go for "downright stupid" but that works. Probably a nicer way to put it too! Anyways I wouldn't sweat it. You'll navigate well. You and EJ have something really special."

I look at her in awe. "How are you so wise?"

"That's sweet of you. I just like giving my two cents to a friend in need."

All of the sudden we hear the opening guitar chords of "Be Our Guest". Nini looks behind her and grabs my prop chair. She rolls it to me and pushes me onstage. "Go get 'em Gina!"

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