Chapter 15

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"What did she say?" "We'll talk about it some other time, Danny. Stella is with us." "Right." "Dad?" Stella takes out her earphones and gives Jessica a quick glare. "Mom said that we're all flying to Paris" "WHAT? There's no way we are going, sweetheart." "Why not? Mom said that it's going to be fun" "Jessica, can you dial Olga's number?" Jessica puts her hand on Danny's thigh and digs inside his pocket dragging his phone out. She dials Olga's number and passes it to Danny. A minute later Olga picked up. "Hey Danny, missing me?" Danny sighs heavily as he turns the car to park beside their house. Jessica gets out of the car. "Is dad coming?" Jessica opens her eyes a little wider in shock that Stella is talking to her at all. "Well, I think he's having a bit of an conversation."
Jessica was never good a phrasing stuff. "Well, let's just go inside. I didn't see dad for a while since I was in Italy with mom" Jessica and Stella enter the house. Jessica leaves her bag down beside the door and takes her booties of. She sits down on the white leather couch and surprisingly Stella sits beside her...

Jessica's POV:
She seems so mature! I thought she was going to hate me. Maybe Olga was just pushing her too hard about not liking me. Maybe it won't be as bad as I thought.

"Yeah let's leave the bags inside." Stella checks down on her phone and frowns a bit. "Are you okay?" Jessica looks down at her. "Yeah, thank you, I guess. it's just you know mom is saying that dad won't love me anymore and that if he won't be with mom her and I are going to be unhappy." "you know what? How about we just have like a day to ourself without your dad or your mom interrupting us. I see you're a clever girl and I love your dad and I don't want you to believe all these bad things your mom says about me. So, are you in for a 'girls day out?' Jessica says smiling at Stella. Stella laughs. "aren't you like too old?.." Jessica laughs with her. "probably yes but I've always been a bit crazy" They both giggle again...

Hii🙈 I know I didn't upload for ages and I'm sorry but nothing in this story is going how I wanted it to go. You guys seem to like it so I'll try my hardest to continue and update it as soon as possible although It might take me some time because school and all that so yeah🙈 sorry for being so late once again 😂 also I don't have time to go over this so I apologise in advance for all the grammar mistakes and shit 😂

- Alex 💕 (@bleachedacid : insta)

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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