Chapter 4

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Jessica's alarm went off. She grabbed her phone, dismissed the alarm and went downstairs. She put her golden hair in a cute bun and went to the kitchen. Obviously not for food. She grabbed her water from her fridge and went upstairs. She chugged it quickly. And picked up a pair of boyfriend jeans. She slipped on a plain white Tee and clipped her Jimmy Choos. It was cold, but not too cold so she took her dirty green jacket with a round maroon scarf and a matching beanie. She grabbed her phone and her keys, chucked them inside her bag and put on her Céline shades on. She went to her Bentley as paparazzi were approaching her from far away taking snaps with every move she made. She drove to Starbucks ordered a chai green tea latte and drove to studio.

"No, I haven't - " Began Danny when Ryan cut him of. "There she is!" "Heyy, I'm so sorry. I had to pick up my coffee. " She said and hugged Ryan then turned around towards Danny. "Let's cut to the case." Said Ryan handing out the new script. "You're doing a sex scene." Said Ryan
Jessica flashed bright pink. "What but-" "So sorry, I honestly have no time right now!" Said Ryan cutting Jessica of and walking away. "You don't have to do it." Said Danny after a moment of silence. Jessica laughed. "How unprofessional do you think I am?" She asked teasing Danny. "No, no. I just thought you don't want to do it" "I'm an actress. I do things that I don't want to do all the time." Replied Jess. "Let's practice the script okay?" She said afterwards.

**super quick chapter because I want so many scenes to happen. The practice will happen in chapter 5 so chapter 6 will be the real shooting I hope🙈 Also Danny will find out about her ED and her cutting issues. And a sex scene is coming (the sex scene will be the real thing between Jess and Danny) So stay tuned 😘**

👑Also! Quick thanks to people reading, reviewing ect.👑

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