Eating SJ

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I saw it in an other book, when I find it, I'm gonna link it but I just used it as inspiration and wrote my one story. (I would never copy a story but if you find some of mine are similar to an other author story, please tell me so I can change it, delete it or link them)

Scarlett was on set for now over 3 months but she is coming home soon so I try to convince myself to eat something. I even went to the market that we have something at home and she doesn't realize it.
It was never my plan to stop eating but it just happened. The comments I got caused me to start thinking and I ended up with if I don't eat breakfast maybe I don't need lunch and dinner and so I stopped after a month. Again I put my food back in the fridge and that was the moment when the door opens.
"Y/N, I'm at home." My girlfriend shouted. I run to her and hug her tightly before pulling away again kissing her.

Scarlett pov:

"I missed you too." I smile at her and hide my shocked and worried face. She had a hoodie on but I swear she is a lot thinner than before I left. She always looses some weight when I'm gone but never that much. Together we walk to the living room and made us comfortable on the couch. I tell her everything I could.
"And what happened while I was gone?" She thinks for a second and answers me. "Not much at all. I started sport again watched a lot of movies and series and met with Cobie once like two or three weeks ago."
I nod and realized that she was pretty tired so I pull her to me that she lays with her head in my lab. "Sleep a bit, honey. You look really tired." She nod without protesting against it and fall asleep in minutes. I pull out my phone and decided to text Cobie.


Hey Cobie,
I came home today. Y/N told me you met and I want to ask you if you realized something?

Hey Scar,
I understand why you are asking, she lost much weight. When we were together we spent the day at yours and she made lunch but told me she had already, she never touched the popcorn and by dinner she said she wasn't hungry.
Sure I was worried but I have days like this too where I can't eat at all but now when you're asking me, I start worrying again. What if she stopped, it would explain her weight loss because that is clearly not just from sport.

Ok. Thank you for telling me, I'm gonna keep an eye on it.

I put on a series and played with her hairs till she start to wake up again. She scrolled a bit through her phone. She looked like she wasn't happy with what she was reading. "You ok?" I asked her and she put her phone away an nod. "I didn't know when today you would come so I already had lunch but there is a second portion in the fridge ." She smiles and I nod.

It's evening and time for dinner but Y/N said that she doesn't feel so good and went to bed. When I look after her she was asleep so I went back down to the living room.


Hey, I think you're right. She meant she already had lunch and now she is asleep and she meant she didn't feel good. Tomorrow I'm on a lot of meetings and will be at home in the evening. Can you maybe look after her a bit, doesn't mean you need to come and babysitting her but maybe checking up on her per messages. Earlier when she was on her phone she read something what made her nearly cry so maybe it's something on social media, could you please look there if everything is ok? I'm so worried about her.

Sure thing Scar. Have a nice evening, night😘

You too😘


Hey did you arrived well at home?

Hey yeah thanks for asking 😘

Well when we both are online right now anyway, can I bother you for a bit longer?

Sure, is everything ok?
And you never bother me.

Well uhm do you remember when we talked about eating thing and that it can be hard because of comments we got and the paparazzi are everywhere and the hate and so on?

Yes, I do but now you're scaring me. Is everything ok? Is it about you? You know you're in great shape, right?

Don't be, it's not about me but someone really close. She lost so so much weight and I think she stopped eating completely. I'm just so worried about her and scared and I don't know how to talk to her about it or bring her to eat something.

Oh, well maybe you just need to sit down with her and talk about it why, obviously without judging but with you I don't worry about it. Talk about what she is scared of what happened when she starts again. Tell her how much you love her and that you will support her, no matter what.

Why do you know who I'm talking about?
But thank you, really thank you 😘

I have my secrets 😉
No you told me that you will only go home today and nothing more so it was the only person.
You're welcome 😘

Night <3

Night <3

*time skip: next day

It's evening and I ordered our favorite food. Hamburger, fries and salad. When I open the door it was silent, only the tv was on and my girlfriend in her sport clothes past out on the couch. I put the food on the table and crouch down before her, kissing her on her forehead.
"Honey, I'm home." She opens her eyes and smiles at me. "Come let's sit down and talk." She nod and we sit down on our chairs.
Now she realized the food on the table. "Scar, you didn't had too, I not really hungry." "Yeah I know, so let's talk and try to eat something." She looks a bit panicking down to the food.
"What are we talking about?" She asks and looks up to me again. "You and exactly this." She looks confused at me. "You know I am always here for you right?" She nod and I could see that she's getting scared so I put her hand in mine. "Babe can you please tell me why you stopped eating?" Her eyes widened. "It's ok, I'm not gonna judge you or some bullshit like this, I just wanna understand and be there for you." Now she got tears in her eyes and looks back down.
"I-I always got these comments about my body so I start questioning myself and wanted to loos a bit weight but soon after I stopped with breakfast I stopped with luch and then with dinner too. I know it's stupid what I'm doing but I couldn't stop anymore, I tried to eat again just a bit but I couldn't and now we are here. Are you mad?"
"Honey, you are not stupid and I wouldn't call it stupid but not the right way. And why should I be mad, I love you and I will always love and support you, you just need to talk to me."
"Scar, I need help." She whispers. I walk over to her and hug her tightly. "Let's do this together ok, what do you want to eat from it? And don't worry you don't have to eat all of it, I'll eat with you and the others stuff goes into the fridge." She smiles a bit and take a fries. After she swallowed it she looks back to me. "See nothing bad happened. And if you want we can talk to my trainer and put up a eating and trainings plan." She nods with a smile and take another and so did I.

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