One day with a baby Part 2

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Natasha Pov:
The next morning I wake up with my girlfriend sweating and breathing heavily. I sit up and take her in my arms, whispering sweet nothings into her ear and try to calm her down.
"Where- where is Aurora? When did you come home?" She finally got out. "Babe, breathe, slow deep breaths. Wanda and Vision took her when I brought you up to our room. Can you tell me about your dream?" I whisper softly.
"What time is it?" She asks and completely ignore my question. I frown but then answer her after a look on my phone next to me. "5am." She nods and stands up, takes the walking supports and goes to the bath. Normally we always talk about our nightmares or at least stay together to know that we aren't alone.
"Babe what wrong?" I ask her as she came back completely changed in normal clothes. "I'm gonna be back at latest at noon. I love you." She smiles and kisses me but her smile wasn't true and in the kiss I could feel her pain. "Honey wait?" I say and she turned back to me.
"Where are you going?" She smiles sadly at me. "Just have to do something and when we are back we can go for a walk, ok love?" I scan her but nod because I know I didn't get her to talk about it.

*time skip

"Tasha, I'm back." My girlfriend came back into the room, I immediately stand up and hug her. I was worried about her the whole time she was away.  "Please talk to me." I whisper completely worried. She pulled away a bit and looks me in the eyes. "You were really worried about me, weren't you? I'm so sorry honey." I didn't really answer but I know my eyes are telling her everything.
"You know what, let's go to the park, have a relaxing day, eat somewhere and talk." She suggests and I nod.

With Sandwiches in our hands I sit down in a quiet edge of the park and she was in the wheelchair because it was easier so for her.
"About this morning uhm I just had a nightmare and I needed to go back to my old work to 'work' something up. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you earlier, I just couldn't in that moment."
She says quietly.
"That's ok love but can you please talk to me about that dream and why you needed to go back to your old work?" I ask her carefully and she nods slowly.
I could see that it is hard for her, the topic alone was always hard for her to talk about.
"You know I was a pediatric nurse in the neonatology. I loved working with babies, I loved taking care of them and if we could, healing them but if not letting them die in honor with the knowing we did everything we could." She stops and takes a shaky deep breath.
"One day I had the early shift and we got a new baby to us. She was the cutest thing I ever saw. Surly I worked with babies all the time but something about her was different. She was only a 5 weeks old. Of course, we also had babies who were only one day old, if anything, but she was just different. She came to us because the other hospital couldn't find anything. Her mother left her alone and give her up, the father was unknown so we had to take completely care of her. In every second one of us had to be with her because she kept cramping and we had to react quickly. It was similar to Aurora, she liked me, as soon as I had her in my arm, it always calmed down and sometimes laughed."
She got tears in her eyes and I take her hands in mine.
"She was with us for  two months but then she died. It was one of the worst days in my life. Not really because she died, I knew that we can't safe her but how it happened. I dreamed of it again and I just needed to go back there, back to an old friend who had the shift with me that night. The day yesterday with Aurora, they are so similar, I guess it triggered the dream."
I take her in my arms and hug her tightly.
"We made a deal that when we noticed that she will die, that we let her fall asleep peacefully but when my shift started I immediately realized that something was wrong. I didn't even had the time to get help before something happened. She started to suffocate and the cramping was worse then ever. After 30 min the doctor commanded to stop resuscitation and called her dead. If they would have reacted earlier then she could have died peacefully."
That's when she finally broke down. She cried and cried and let it all out.
"Can we go back please?" "Hey, it's ok, it's ok." I whisper in her ear. "No, no, back, please, I need to go back." She started panicking. "Ok, ok, I'll bring you back home, ok love, I bring you home." She calmed a bit down and we started to go back.
The moment her head hit her pillow she was fast asleep.

The next few days we had a lot of cuddle time, talk time and talks together with Wanda. Together we work a bit through her memories and she got closer to Aurora, which she really liked and I'm just proud of my baby.

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