Background Story

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A/N: Please don't swear in the comments, and all dirty jokes or references will be deleted


Harry Pov

I visited Hermione and Teddy today, just before they leave for Hogwarts. Even though I promised to visit often I have plans of travelling. Luna visited me last week and said she needs a travel buddy. Her father, Xenophilius said she'd need someone else to go with her to ensure she doesn't get lost.

"Blaise is busy with Ginny and starting her Quidditch career and Drake and Hermione are leaving for Hogwarts," she sighed. "Even Theo is busy looking to get married."
It was nice to know I was her last choice, I think to myself as I arrive at her house. Last choice under three Slytherin as well. 

I knock on the door and hear Luna's soft Irish accent sing from inside, "Coming!"

One minute later the door opens and I see Luna smiling at me, "Ready to go?" 

"Hold on," I hear another voice say as Xenophilius appears. "Thank you, Harry Potter, for agreeing to go on this trip with Luna."

"It's fine," I say. "I wasn't sure what I was going to do after I left Hogwarts so this trip will be good for me."

After this we apparate to Glasgow and go to a restaurant for lunch. "So what is the plan?" I ask Luna. "Are we just going to apparate to different forests and look out for anything you can document."

She laughs, "No, we've got people to see," she starts counting on her fingers. "Pansy is in Germany, she said there is a plant there that repels vampires that's not garlic. The Patils are in India, they said there is some strange creature that's been shifting into a tiger and attacking people, it's very unpredictable, then we've got to meet up with Zainab Begum and Rolf Scamander."

"Scamander... where have I heard that name before?" Luna's eyes drop, giving me a disapproving look, then a book appears on the table. "Luna!" I exclaim. "What if someone sees?!"

"Look at the book."
I look down and read the title "Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them." The author of the book is Newt Scamander.

"It's only one of Hermione's favourite books," she sighs. "Rolf is his grandson."


So for the next week, we travelled to Germany and meet up with Pansy Parkinson, who seems like a much nicer person now. Then we go to India to see the Patils, the creature they found was called something in Hindi which pronounced so terrible Parvati made me swear I'd never attempt to speak Hindi again.

It's now the 24th of September and we've arrived in New York. Mr Scamander and Ms Begum meet us at Fifth Street. Rolf is a tall, lean man with soft yellowish blonde hair and hazel eyes. Luna seemed very excited to meet him.

In contrast to Rolf, Zainab Begum is much shorter, maybe an inch taller than Luna. She had brown near black, glossy long hair, tied up in a plait and dark brown skin, slightly darker than Padma and Parvati, closer to Blaise Zabini or Dean Thomas.

"You must be Harry Potter," she says with a slight accent, a mix of American and whatever language is her mother tongue. "I'm Zainab and this is Rolf."

"Hi!" I stutter, unsure how to react, I seem to have forgotten how to speak English after meeting her eyes.

Luna takes over and the two start chatting away and I'm pulled out of my daze as Rolf puts a hand on my shoulder whilst notably looking at Luna.

"You're barking up the wrong tree," he sighs. "Zainab is the only child of one of the richest Half-blood families in New York. The Hussains have high standards."
"What are you on about?" I say.

"If you like Zainab, even if she likes you back, you have to impress her family first," he continues.

"I just met her," I exclaim. "I've barely said a single word to her."

"Yeah and if you'd stand for any longer you'd brined a hole through her head."

"I could say the same to you," I retort. "Luna is from the House of Malfoy, Draco Malfoy being her very protective cousin and Blaise Zabini of the House of Zabini her very protective brother-figure."

He laughs, "I see how weird I sound."
"Too right."

Despite this conversation, Luna and Rolf started courting during our travels through America. It was rather awkward for Zainab and I, but we started getting along quite well. I'm embarrassed to say how much I look forward to being around her everyday.

I decided to take a leaf out of Malfoy and Zabini's books and meet up with Mr Hussain, Zainab's father, but this time, Zainab knows what I am doing.

According to Ginny, who I've been telling my predicament to, I should name drop some of my connections and talk about my vault.

The meet up was the most awkward thing I've ever done but I managed to impress him. He brought Zainab into the room. "What do you think of this man?" he asks her.

"He's a powerful wizard but also kind and funny, I like him a lot, Abba."

After this meet up with Mr Hussain -his name is Adam but he insist I call him Abba which means Father, Zainab explained it's a cultural thing.

By the beginning of December, both Rolf and I, have proposed to Luna and Zainab. Much to our relief, they both accepted. We have our double wedding in England on the 15th of December.

Fast forward to August 24th and our first son, James Sirius Potter is born prematurely. It is a big scare for everyone but he is strong and healthy. In 2001, Hermione gives birth to Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, Ginny gives birth to Rose Zabini, Luna give all a surprise after giving birth to twins, Lorcan and Lysander Scamander and Zainab gives birth to Albus Severus.

In 2002, Regulus Orion Malfoy is born and Dean marries Parvati.

In 2003, Seamus marries Padma, Neville marries Hannah Abbot and Hermione gives birth to twins, Phoenix Cappella and Persephone Nymphadora Malfoy.

In 2004, August 12th, Lily is born.

A/n: Finally going to start uploading this story! Yay. More background details, in 2005, Theo gets married to Cho Chang (why? because I decided just now), in 2006, Ron and Pansy get married. These are just side details because their children won't be attending Hogwarts in the story. Dean and Parvati have son and Seamus and Padma have a daughter both born in 2004, and Neville has a daughter who was born in December 2003. They all attend Hogwarts in Lily's year.

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