Chapter fifteen: The note

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Jerar walked into the classroom with an expression that looked as if he had walked through hell and back...

Kate sighed before facing the board once more to focus on the lesson. Only then when she looked to the front did she notice Rose's absence. She had not seen her in her usual seat in the back so Kate had assumed that she had been in the front... Maybe she wasn't feeling well? It wasn't like Rose to skip class. Now that she mentioned it, Korinth wasn't here either, and Sir Balthazar didn't look all that bothered, so it might be just that - Rose wasn't feeling well and maybe Korinth had caught what she had or vice versa.

Kate opened her book and to begin browsing that's when a Chrysanthemum fell from it along with a note.

Kate picked the parchment up curiously and read it silently before her eyes widened and she slammed her book shut instead referring to her notes for the rest of the session acting as if a demon resides within those pages - maybe it did...

Her strangeness however did not go unnoticed by Balthazar who now peeked at the child with a worried gaze, however by her secretive nature at the moment he decided to address it privately - Thus when the session had finished and almost everyone had left, he called to Kate:

"Kate, stay behind after class."

And so the girl did.

"Sir, did I do something wrong?" Kate questioned standing in front of Balthazar's chair.

"That depends, may I see it?" He said as gestured his hand out towards the girl.

Kate looked confused for a moment, but as she saw that teachers hand gestured towards her book she knew exactly what he was looking for.

The girl handed him the book allowing him to face upon the flower of death and the note.

The teacher's eyes narrowed wrathfully, not at the girl but at the flower and the note.

"It's nothing but fake promises, Kate... Go on your date tonight ignore this, I'll have to report it..."

"Yes, sir..." Kate answered somewhat grateful for her intuitive teacher,

"Thank you for the help..."

"If you ever see anything like this ever again come straight to me or Franz. Understand?"

This confused Kate but the note had disoriented her and so all she could do was solemnly nod before stalking away leaving the dreaded piece of parchment on the teacher's table. Not even realising that the date that she had supposedly told no one about was common knowledge to her teacher, no. Her concerns were on the words etched upon the parchment:

You're not a Goldengate... Are you? Let's meet... I might know a thing or two about you dear, Kate.


After classes ended Kate had managed to get that note out of her mind dismissing it as merely a cruel prank... But for the prank to work in the first place they would have had to get in her room to get to her books in order to plant the note.

So she walked back to her room and called out to the air for someone or rather somespider:


A silver thin line began its descent towards the dresser on the side, and on it, a small black spider plopped down:

"Hey, Kate!"

Kate grinned at the small creature as she sat on the dresser chair.

"Uhm, did anyone come into my room last night when I was sleeping?"

"Of course not silly! You have me guarding you! I would have alerted you if someone was inside with you..."

Kate smiled softly rubbing the spiders head:

"Of course you would, my brave little wall climber..."

If spiders could grin - that would be Robert at that very moment.

"Anyway, you have a date! Let's get ready!"


"Little Han I need you to watch her, do not let her out of your sight during the date..." Balthazar said as he read the note once more, "Enjoy it of course but keep an eye out... This Chrysanthemum bastard has already hurt one of my students, no way is he getting anywhere near my cousin..."

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