5.The Ballet Performance-pt.3

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Ally was in her room, sitting on her bed drawing. Suddenly, she heard knocking on her window.-"What is that?"-she thought and went to her window. When she moved the curtain, she saw Kid Danger. She opened the window and he climbed in.

"Henry, what are you doing here?"-she asked confused.-"I brought you something."-he said handing her a plastic bag.-"What is it?"-she said opening it. When she took out what was in it, she smiled at him.-"You brought me a little box of ice cream?"-she said smiling.

"Yeah! I didn't know what is your favorite flavor so I took vanilla flavor. I hope you like that flavor."-"That's my favorite."-she laughed.-"I'm very good."-he smiled.-"Yes, you are."-she laughed and sat on the bed.

"I'll leave. I don't want your mom seeing me dressed like this."-he said walking towards the window.-"No, stay. She can't see you if she can't come in."-she said and locked the door with her powers. Henry laughed and sat next to her on the bed.

"So, why are you dressed like this?"-Ally asked when she opened the ice cream box.-"The police called me to come to the police station because of what happened today at school."-"Oh, cool."-"And then I decided to get you some ice cream because I knew you're probably bored at home."-Henry said and Ally laughed.

"Well, thanks for caring about me."-she smiled.-"Oh, and here you go. Your 20 dollars I owe you."-Henry said and gave her 20 dollars.-"Thanks."-she smiled and continued her ice cream.

When Ally finished her ice cream, her watch started beeping.-"It's probably Ray."-she said and answered.-"Hey, Ray. What's up?"-"You have to go to Mrs. Evans. Somebody attacked her daughter's birthday party. I'm sending you the address."-"And what about Henry?"-"Ally, I'm not stupid. I know that he went to get you some ice cream and that he is at your house now."-"Okay. We're on it."-she laughed and hung up.

"What about your mom?"-Henry asked.-"Wait, I'll figure out something."-she said and then they heard Molly knocking on her door.-"Ally, unlock the door."-Molly said.-"Think faster!"-Henry whispered.

"Be quiet, I have something but first, I have to hide you. She can't see you here, especially dressed as Kid Danger."-Ally whispered and started looking around and thinking where to hide Henry.-"Oh I know!"-she whispered and ran to her closet-"Hide here!"-she opened the closet door.

"I'm not going to hide in your closet."-"Henry, we don't have time for this! Just hide in here!"-"Ally? Open up please."-Molly knocked again.-"Just a second!"-she yelled-"Come on!"-she whispered and Henry walked in her closet and she closed the door.

She walked up to her room door and unlocked it.-"What's up, mom?"-she asked when she opened the door.-"What are you doing?"-"I had my headphones."-"Oh, okay. I just wanted to check on you. How are you feeling?"-"I was about to take a nap. I'm feeling dizzy again. You know, you were right. I'm not okay because of those punches."-Ally lied.

"See, I told you!"-"Yes and you were absolutely right. I'll just lock myself here and take a nap. You don't have to check on me for the next few hours. Okay?"-"Okay sweetie. Just rest, that's the best for you now."-Molly said.

"Yeah, okay. Bye, mom."-Ally said and Molly left. Ally locked the door again. She took out her gums and put one in her mouth. Before she transformed, she went to her closet and opened it.

"I found your Kid Danger posters."-Henry said and laughed when Ally opened the door.-"Seriously!?"-she took the posters from him and put them on the bed.-"And here is Kid Danger's cut out in a life size."-he said and placed it next to himself-"I look good."-he looked at it and then smiled at Ally.

"Give me that!"-she said and took it from him and placed it on her bed next to the posters.-"Let's go and check who is that jerk who attacks birthday parties."-she said and Henry walked out of the closet.

The Dangers-chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now