7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.1

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Henry was peacefully sleeping when the beeping of his watch woke him up.-"Kid! You have to run now! Emergency!"-Ray was yelling when Henry answered.-"Ray. It's 2 in the morning. What's happening?"-Henry said yawning.

"The Town hall! The vice mayor's niece!"-Ray was panicking.-"Ray, Ray. Calm down and tell me what's happening."-Henry said in a sleepy voice.-"The vice mayor called and said that his niece was kidnapped! You and Ally have to go there!"-Ray explained quickly.

"Fine. I'll call Ally and we'll go there."-Henry said and hung up. He got out of bed and took his phone from the charger to call Ally.-"Come on Ally, pick up."-he was mumbling.

"Hi, it's Ally. I can't answer to your call right now so just leave a voicemail or call me back later. Bye!"-the voice said.

"Is her phone turned off? I'll call her on her watch."-he said and called by his watch.-"She's not answering. She's probably asleep, I'll go to her house and wake her up."-he mumbled. He took his gums, blew a bubble and transformed. He went out through the window, climbed down the tree and ran to Ally's house.

When he arrived to her house, he tried to call her again but she didn't answer.-"Then I'll sneak in your room through the window, Ally."-he said walking to the tree next to her window.-"I hope I'll get out of this alive."-he said and climbed on the tree.

Luckily, her window was open so it was easy to walk in.-"Of course she's sleeping. Who goes to the Town Hall at 2 a.m."-he whispered to himself and knelt down next to her bed.-"Ally. Ally, wake up. There is emergency."-he whispered-"Ally?"-he shook her shoulder slightly.

Ally slowly opened her eyes and when she saw him, she started screaming. She punched and pushed him on the floor, then she jumped out of bed and with her powers opened a little hidden cabinet behind a picture and got the blaster out of it. She pointed it at Henry while her hands were shaking and her breathing was heavy.

"Ally, it's me, Henry."-he lifted his hands up.-"Shut up or I'll blast you!"-she yelled. He ran to her, broke the blaster out of her hands and covered her mouth pushing her against the wall.-"Sh... Ally, it's me, Henry. Are you blind!?"-he whispered.

"Henry!"-she moved his hands and whispered-"Are you insane!? You scared the soul out of me!"-she whisper-yelled.-"Sh... Be quiet!"-Henry whispered and covered her mouth again-"We have to go to the Town Hall. Something happened to the vice mayor's niece."-he whispered and then they heard Molly running to Ally's room.

"Ally!"-Molly opened the door on what Henry just turned his head around-"I heard screaming! What happened!?"-she said panicking. When she turned the light on, she saw Kid Danger holding Ally pinned against the wall and covering her mouth.

"What is happening here!? Kid Danger!?"-she was standing there looking at them confused. He looked at Ally in a little panic and Ally gave him a death stare.-"Ally? Explain what is happening here."-Molly said in a strict voice.

Ally moved Kid Danger's hand of her mouth and moved from the wall.-"I'm listening. What is Kid Danger doing in your room at 2 in the morning holing you pinned against the wall covering your mouth."-Molly said and glared at her then at Kid Danger.

Ally looked at him then back at her mom.-"I'm listening. I know you used to be obsessed with him but I think you went too far. Will you explain this situation?"-Molly was now madder than before.

"Maybe Kid Danger wants to explain this situation because I have no idea what is he doing here."-Ally said and looked at Kid Danger with a sarcastic look.-"Okay. Kid Danger please explain. What are you doing in my daughter's room at 2 in the morning?"-Molly looked at him.

"You know Mrs., your daughter has to come with me. That's why I'm here."-he smiled.-"Why does she have to go with you?"-Molly looked at Ally confused.-"She did something."-he said walking towards Ally and tied her hands behind her back.

The Dangers-chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now