6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 1

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It was Thursday, everybody was in the Man cave watching a movie except Ally who had to go somewhere with her mom.-"Are you guys free for the weekend? We could throw a party here in the Man cave, you know just us and Ally who is not here right now."-Ray said when the movie finished.

"I'm free."-Piper said.-"Me too."-Jasper added.-"Great! You kid?"-Ray turned to Henry.-"No. Guys, did you forget? On Saturday is Ally's birthday. We should throw a party for her."-Henry said.

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. What are we going to do?"-Ray asked.-"Prepare a party for her here."-Schwoz said.-"No, we should throw a party and invite your whole class. I bet she never had a party."-Piper said.

"Yeah, I like the idea."-Henry nodded.-"Great, Piper and I will organize everything, Ray will call our whole class and Henry will tell Ally."-Jasper said.-"I know a good place where the party can be."-Piper smiled.

"Why do I have to invite your class?"-Ray asked.-"Come on, that's the easiest, you just send a message to the whole class. Easy peasy."-Piper said.-"Don't worry I'll help him. He's too old for things like that."-Schwoz said and everyone laughed.

"Hey! I'm not old! I'm in my best years!"-Ray said upset and everyone laughed again.-"We're not telling Ally, till I tell her tomorrow. Okay?"-Henry said.-"Fine."-everyone agreed.

"Hi guys! What's up?"-Ally walked out the elevator.-"Hi Ally. You're already here?"-Ray said.-"Yes. I was sure that everybody is still here, so I came."-she smiled and sat next to Piper.

They were spending some time in the Man cave and then everybody went home. Henry and Piper walked with Ally and then went home.

"I was thinking, we're throwing a birthday party for Ally, but maybe we should make the whole day for her. I mean it's her 16th birthday, it has to be special."-Piper said when they walked in the house.

"Hi kids. What's going on?"-Kris asked from the kitchen.-"Nothing much. We're talking about Ally's birthday on Saturday."-Henry responded.-"Oh, you're preparing a surprise for her or something?"-she asked.-"Actually yes. We're going to throw a party for her."-Piper said.

"That's so nice."-she smiled-"We'll have dinner when dad comes home."-she said and Piper and Henry nodded. They walked upstairs.-"So, what were you saying?"-Henry asked when they got in the hallway upstairs.-"Yeah, I was thinking that we should make the whole day for her. You know we get a cake and presents."-she said.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. I already got her a present so, you guys just have to."-Henry said.-"I was also thinking that you should like go and pick her up and bring her to the Man cave where we will be with all the presents and the cake."-Piper continued.-"Like a surprise party?"-"Exactly!"-"Okay, deal. We just have to inform the others."-"I'll tell them tomorrow while we'll be preparing everything."-she said and they walked to their rooms.

The next day at school no one said anything to Ally about the plan they have for her birthday.-"Did you and Piper organized everything?"-Henry whispered to Jasper.-"Yes we did. Ray just has to invite everybody."-Jasper whispered back.

"What are you talking about?"-Ally walked up to them.-"N-nothing."-Henry answered quickly.-"I'm not dumb, you were talking about something."-Ally said sceptically.-"We... were... talking... about..."-Jasper was trying to make an excuse.-"About?"-Ally asked confused.

"About... your... About your shirt."-Henry said quickly.-"My shirt?"-she raised her eyebrows.-"Yes! We really like your shirt."-Jasper fake smiled.-"That purple really looks good on you. Yeah..."-Henry said.-"Also, these crop top shirts generally look good on you."-Jasper added.

"I have a feeling that you're lying to me but okay."-Ally looked at Jasper and then at Henry.-"No we're not. It really looks good on you!"-Henry said.-"Thanks, I guess. Do you have anything else to tell me?"-she asked.-"No."-Henry said.-"Yes! You have a great styling."-Jasper smiled.-"Okay. I'm giving up."-Ally laughed.

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