' a moon pool ? ! ' | 13

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" there might be a way " Alberto and Luca said in unison , bright grins on their faces like they had just won the Portorosso cup . After they said that Auroras face beamed into a huge headlight , showcasing her big smile of pearly white teeth .

" the moon pool ! " Aurora , Alberto , and Luca said at the same time , jumping up in excitement as they all started dancing in triumph .

" a moon pool ? ! " Giulia asked standing up as well , her eyes big with surprise .

" yes a moon pool " Luca said pointing out to a little stub of island in the middle of the sea " that's where you go on full moons if you want to become a sea monster , at least that's what the rumors say " Luca chuckled awkwardly .

" well then what are we waiting for ? ! Let's go turn me into a sea monster ! " Giulia said excitedly but all three of them stopped her .

" it has to be on a full moon or you won't turn into a sea monster and it'll curse you to having bad luck for the rest of your life ! " Giulia said worriedly , trying to say it as fast as she could to try and convince Giulia not to go to the moon pool yet .

" bad luck it's that bad- is it ? " Giulia asked , getting bad looks and frowns from Luca , Alberto , and Aurora .

" if you call a whale eating you whole not bad luck then your fine for about 30 minutes , those are the estimated minutes for the rest of your life if you go to the moon pool now " Aurora said , all of them sitting down again and looking at Giulia and Aurora .

" well I don't want to be eaten whole by a fucking whale ! " Giulia said a little worried about the choices these made in the past .

" well if you wait for the full moon then you won't be eaten by a whale- " Aurora said obviously .

" the next full moon is tomorrow night so we won't be able to leave for the trip until about the day after " Luca said examining the moon carefully and biting his lip as he made that statement .

" how do you do that ? " Alberto asked Luca and the other looked confused .

" how do I do what ? " Luca asked with a little chuckle at the end .

" how do you look so cute when your concentrated , if anything being concentrated never makes anyone look so cute " Alberto said honestly to Luca and the shorter boy flushed a bright crimsons and waning ' OoOoOo's ' from Aurora and Giulia .

" oh hush up you two " Luca said in response to the cooing .

" we'll go to moon pool tomorrow night "


Hope you liked this one ! I like it a lot not going lie , also we're almost to 900 views ! ! ! Do you think we can make it to 1k by the end of the week ? Let's see if we can meet that goal ! ! !

Anyway , if you have any ideas for this book please tell me because I'm starting to lose ideas very VERY slowly . . .

Don't forget to vote on your favorite chapter so far ! ! !

By lovelies ! ! !

Word count - 520

the years have passed { Alberto x Luca }Where stories live. Discover now