Chapter 27: Enter Sango

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*Creak, Creak, Creak*

The wheels of the old, wooden wheel barrel squeaks as Inuyasha pulls it along. Even with the weight of the demon carcasses, he doesn't slow down. I keep to his side with Kirara lying comfortably in my arms. Her tiny head looking up at me as she meows. Behind us, Miroku keeps up, with Shippo on his left shoulder tagging along.

We're heading to a lone limestone cave on the outskirts of the village. One that Myoga claims is extremely important to the legend of Shikon Jewel. From afar, I spot the opening of the hill to the cave and once I spot it, my heart leaps in my chest for reasons I don't know. It pounds heavily and continues so the closer we get.

"Does no one else got a weird feeling?" I ask, glancing to Inuyasha and then to Miroku and Shippo. But they all shake their heads.

"Why? Do you have a weird feeling, Keara?" Inuyasha questions.

My eyes dart back to the cave opening, and I nod my head slowly. "Yeah."

Inuyasha follows my vision, his eyes narrowing. "So, this is the cave where the Shikon Jewel was created?"

Myoga, who sits on Inuyasha's right shoulder, nods his head.

"The village actually served as a kind of factory. They made weapons and armor from the skins and bones of slain demons. The villagers threw all the unused portions into this cavern. This place is filled with a collection of demon remains," Myoga exclaims. We reach the caverns entrance just as my heart speeds up in my chest. I squeeze Kirara a little closer where my heart pounds, earning a small meow. Inuyasha turns the wheel barrels butt to the cavern's entrance and drops the remains into the cave. They roll down sloppily. "It is fabled that deep inside this particular limestone cave lies the carcass of an absolutely gargantuan beast! Of course, its according to the local legend."

If the jewel was created here, it could explain why I am reacting this way—I have some sort of connection to the jewel that none of us can explain yet. Maybe inside, there will be answers that will finally tell me why I am here and how I have these powers.

"Good work, Myoga!" Inuyasha compliments, smiling down at the flea demon.

"Oh, master Inuyasha! Thank you for the compliment! Anything to help! I'm more than just a parasite." Myoga blushes and wipes a small tear from his face with a tiny hand.

"Yeah, until the going gets rough. Then your big talk about loyalty and courage dries up and you take off on me again!"

"Master! How could you doubt my loyalty?"

"Easy-he's not wrong." I mutter, earning a frown from the flea.

"Do you think we should venture in?" Miroku asks.

Without another word, Inuyasha goes on ahead into the cavern.

"Hold on a minute!" Myoga cries.

But the fleas' plea doesn't stop Inuyasha from continuing. "What now?" the half demon says, but before anyone could answer he is thrown back a foot from walking into-what once was- an invisible barrier that is now blue. It vibrates from where he made contact. "Agh!" He cries. In seconds, he's back on his feet.

"A strong barrier has been placed over the entrance of the cave and prevents trespassers like us from casually wandering in and out." Myoga admits.

"Be quicker with that kind of information next time, okay!" Inuyasha shouts.

"A barrier to keep trespassers?" I ask, all the while stepping past Inuyasha, who reaches out for me. The closer I get the stronger my heart beats. It sounds like drums going off in my head.

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