Chapter 3: Lady Centipede and Inuyasha

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We sit around the fire with awkwardness thick in the air, each one of us has a bowl of stew in our lap, but Kaede is the only one eating while Kagome and I are still as stone. Kagome got here similar to me. She was looking for her pet cat around her shrine's well when she was suddenly pulled in by some ugly monster - however, she escaped and when climbing out of the well she had somehow gotten here, wherever here is.

When I tried explaining to her my situation, she gave me a funny look as if I were just joking and waltzed here magically. It doesn't bother me she acted like that, we both had it rough getting here and it's still a strange scenario but shouldn't we be sticking together?

Kagome has always been popular from what I heard at school and we never talked much during any of our classes, but recently we were partnered for a science project that we both had to present together. It was the reason I went to her house, to begin with.

Together, after Kagome had arrived, we tried explaining to Kaede where we were from, but she didn't even know how to pronounce Tokyo. Matter of fact, she didn't even know what a city was. The longer we sat around the fire, watching it burn and churn while it cooked us our meal, the more I believed the torii myth and that this isn't a dream.

"Ye are in Japan," Kaede concludes finally, after a long pause of silence. "And in the village that has been long under my protection. For many years I have lived here and have guarded it as my sister Kikyo did before me. That was over 50 years ago. She died when I was a child." She takes a long hard look at Kagome, something she has been doing for the entire time Kagome has been here. Kagome and I just glance at one another.

"Is that why you attacked us? You were guarding your village?" Kagome asks.

"Aye, bid us no ill thoughts. Ye just..." She looks us over and lingers on our similar clothes.

"We aren't normal," I reply for her.


"But we don't look like demons like you said," Kagome says. Unlike Kagome, I try to keep in mind that if this isn't a dream, then maybe this is a lost society that I stumbled upon and to them, we could very much look...I don't know, demonic?

Kaede frowns, closing her single eye and letting out an uncomfortable sigh. "Some demons can take on the form of anyone. We have been at war with them since before I can remember."

"Between you and demons? I guess we should get going soon," Kagome mumbles half to herself; she turns to me with an uncomfortable smile and expression.

I don't know what to say to her, she looks at me like I have the answer to how to get home. "I am sorry, but I don't know how to get back home."

"How did you get here again? You said you were shoved through the torii gate at the bottom of my shrine's stairs?"

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