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"Harlow ANDERSON!" my mother screamed from the kitchen emphasizing my last name. "Sorry mother the train is leaving soon, I have got to go now." I shouted back at her just before she appeared in front of me grinning widely. "Remember don't tell anyone." she said in a calm whisper but with a stern face. I just stared at her taking in what she had just told me until I snapped out of the trance I was in, slowly nodding as a small smile tugged at the corner of my lips. Just as her hand rose to slap me across the face leaving a red mark immediately wiping the small smile off my face, "Keep in character, no one wants to see a smiling Slytherin." Some things you need to keep a secret if you want to survive Hogwarts oh and also I'm starting in 3rd Year so it's going to be harder to blend in, but I will try.

I found my feet carrying me out the front door and to the small carts parked outside, I gave my mother one last smile and a quick wave, before she could say anything I was grabbed and apperated to the railway station.

As I made my way through the compartments trying to find an empty one, the familiar sound of quiet snickering stopped me in my tracks, causing me to turn around and go back the way I came until I reached the noise. "Malfoy, what a nice surprise." I spoke sarcastically, making his smile drop as he turned around to face me a smirk appearing on my face due to his reaction. The blond boys eyebrows furrowed together as he sat there thinking about an answer back. While he was trying to think of a smug reply I quickly scanned the room, judging everyone sat amongst the group individually taking in there features. Only one girl sat amongst the group of teenagers she had short, jet-black hair that reached down to her shoulders, russet eyes that had been piercing through my soul the second I walked in. The silver serpent attached to her robe caught my attention, as my mother told me about each house explaining that I will be in Slytherin. As the train came to a stop, I wasn't able to fully examine each person sat in the compartment, as they pushed past me exiting the train and boarding the platform.

A long line of 1st Years caught my attention, as a towering man with a lantern in his hand waved me over calling me to the front of the line. The group of 1st Years began to whisper to  themselves, as I slowly dragged my body over to him. In doing which, a familiar face passed me nudging my shoulder and dragging me away, I recalled him as being one of the many teenagers sat around the one and only Draco Malfoy. "I'm Blaise Zabini, a 3rd Year Slytherin," he coldly mumbled. "Harlow Anderson." I muttered back keeping my head down, as he continued to drag me by the arm up to the entrance of the castle. I didn't really take any notice of the large doors, as I entered through my head still hung low, that was until a high pitched voice stopped me by saying their thanks to Zabini for bringing me in.

"Professor McGonagall is it?" I questioned lifting my head up gaining eye contact. Her hazel eyes sparkled, as she spoke in a soft tone telling me to enter through the wooden doors to my left. I obeyed her commands and as soon as the doors opened a sudden outbreak of chatter erupted in the hall, as a sudden wash of confidence ran through me. I strutted towards the group of 1st Years stood in front of a wooden stool, with an crumpled hat placed upon it.

"Lily Lour." the ancient fragile man spoke causing the final 1st Year to make her way to the stool, shaking as the hat was placed upon her head. She closed her eyes focusing on what the hat was saying to her until it spoke "HUFFLEPUFF!" it screamed. The hufflepuff table suddenly erupted in range cheers and whistles as lily made her way to the table taking a seat just as the man spoke again  "Finally Harlow Anderson our 3rd Year transfer student." I boldly made my way up the few steps leading to the stool, taking a seat just before the hat was placed upon my head.

"Ah I know exactly what house you should be in, but why keep such a big secret from everyone?" it spoke startling me, causing my eyes to widen at the thought of anyone finding out, what my mother had sworn for me not to tell. It left me very little time to think about what the hat just said, it spoke again but this time revealing what house I was in...

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