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Since I was the latest news of the school, many eyes were on me, as I made my way through the halls and into the great hall, with what I would like to call my friend group, but I'm not really sure. The doors burst open as Theodore walked in first, followed by the rest of us. All of a sudden, all eyes were on me watching ever movement I made. I followed Theodore to the Slytherin table, taking a seat beside him. Whilst he filled his plate with food, I sat staring at my empty plate as I felt a cold glare on me. I looked up to see Mattheo staring right back at me. I kept the eye contact until I felt a light tap on my shoulder, as I pulled my legs over the bench to allow myself to study the person before me, a sharp smell of honey suddenly hit me as my body was now facing the person in front of me my eyes travelled up until they landed on a familiar face, Diggory, Cedric Diggory. My mouth slightly twitched to form a polite smile as he began to speak. "Have you heard the news?" he spoke with eagerness lacing his voice. "Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban and is on the run." he said firmly, but this time with fear cracking in his voice. I tried to hide the low frown now forming on my face, as I realized Sirius was now free, by pulling my bag up to my face covering my mouth completely. I let Cedric's words sink in as he slowly turned around and walked back in the opposite direction, I spun my legs back across the bench to see nearly all of the Slytherins, currently sat at the table, staring at me with repulsive expressions smeared across their faces as they had watched me speak to a Hufflepuff not long ago.

I exited the hall with only Lorenzo by my side, as we left the others to finish their food. We made our way back to the Slytherin common room to collect our things for Potions. We left the common room and made our way to Snape's classroom in complete and utter silence. 

Once we entered the room, we realised we were five minutes late, as all heads turned our way. My eyes scanned the room looking at all of my new classmates, disgust covering my face as I saw the one and only, Harry Potter and his eyes on me, slightly checking me out. My eyes wandered, until I realised Lorenzo was no longer by my side, but was in fact sat at a table with Aspen Mair, Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson. The only seat available was the one next to Hermione Granger, on a table full of Gryffindors. My face suddenly dropped and turned into a glare, as Lorenzo watched me walk over to my seat, slightly chuckling under his breath. Snape's voice suddenly caught the classes attention, as he glared at me before continuing with his class.

"Hi, excuse me." I heard a voice come from beside me speak, turning to see the brunette girl staring at me with a warm but fake smile plastered across her face "Mhm?" I answered not bothering to form any real words as I was talking to a Gryffindor. "Are you the new girl? I've heard lots about you, how come you started Hogwarts in the third year? I mean its a bit random, but everyone has their stories. Have you got any friends?  Slytherin is a hard house to fit into if your new." She rambled making me roll my eyes in annoyance, as I turned back to face the front again, ignoring her. A few seconds went past, until I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around sharply, ready to tell the young girl to shut up, just as my eyes met Aspens. "Oh my god, Aspen please you have to help me, these people are driving me mad!" I screeched, as all the Gryffindors sat at my table, including Hermione, turned to face me with disgusted looks plastered on their features.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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