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"Arrogant, selfish and cunning, you must be a...SYTHERIN!" the hat finally spoke, my eyes travelled around the room reaching a familiar table, full of a range of different teenagers in green robes, although my eyes fix-sated on one specific Slytherin. A brunette boy with a small cut across the bridge of his nose, his eyes slowly followed the rest of the Slytherins, until they reached mine. The small glimmer of evil in his eyes made me realize he was trouble and I didn't want trouble if I wanted to blend in. So i broke the eye  contact and I stood up from the stool and made my way to the only empty space available, which was surprisingly next to another familiar face, the face of Pansy Parkinson, the dark haired girl that was curled up against Malfoy on the train.

I swung my legs across the bench, lightly slamming my hands on the table gathering some of the surrounding Slytherin's attention. Whilst the ancient man, with the lengthy, silver beard started his final speech, I took that as a chance to look around the hall hoping to find more familiar faces, until my eyes landed onto another pare of hazelnut eyes that were surprisingly staring right back at mine. His light brown fringe falling over his forehead and his sharp jawline made me want to maintain eye contact longer, until Pansy Parkinson tapped me on the shoulder. Just as the professor finished his speech, I took one final look at the unknown boy, just as he sent a warm smile and a wink my way causing a light blush to coat my already rosy cheeks.

While everyone enjoyed the feast i sat picking at my nails, I only had a bit of meat and gravy, because while at home my mother had very little time to help prepare meals and she spent a lot of the time training me.

Once the Great Feast had finished, everyone was dismissed from the hall, so I slowly followed behind Pansy as she was the only person I really knew other than Draco Malfoy but I wasn't gonna follow him as he would make a big commotion about it, until a familiar face came jogging up towards me, it was the boy that had made me blush earlier. Wow. He was a lot prettier closer up, his hazelnut eyes sparkled slightly and his toned body could be seen through his school uniform. His jagged, sharp jawline made him appear more attractive, "I'm sorry I did not quite catch your name." his voice was mesmerizing,
"Oh I'm sorry Harlow, Harlow Anderson. And you are?" I questioned, "Cedric Diggory." He then stuck his hand out, indicating for me to shake it, which I did. The yellow uniform told me he was in Hufflepuff, but he didn't look like a 3rd Year he looked older, "I'm a 5th Year." he informed me, answering my suspicions. "Ah, right. So what is a 5th Year like you, talking to me for?" I asked him, wondering what his intentions were. He scratched the back of his head thoughtfully, before responding, "Well, I must admit you caught my eye. You are very pretty Harlow and I want to get to know you better. So friends?" I didn't even need to think of the answer, "Yeah, I'd like that." I admitted.

He sent me a final warm smile and a wave goodbye, just as a brunette girl in green Slytherin robe and a light haired, brunette boy brushed past me most likely making their way down to the Slytherin common room. I trailed behind the pair, making my way to the Slytherin common room for the first time hoping to find out who my roommate is.

Whilst the pair entered through the large door, I took great notice into how they got in, as I knew I would need that information for later. I followed inside, as soon as I stepped into the common room a shiver passed through my body, as the coldness finally hit me. I made sure to study the room I was now stood in, leather sofas sat in the middle of the room making a relaxing place to sit, a set of stairs on the right led up to the male dormitories and on the left, the female dormitories. I started making my way across to the set of stairs on my left, passing many Slytherins mid-conversation. I replayed the conversation with Professor McGonagall, in which she told me which dorm was mine. She smiled encouragingly, "Miss Harlow your dorm room number is 8."

I managed to locate my dorm and tried the door. It opened with ease, but the sound of laughter suddenly stopped, as soon as I opened the door 3 pairs of eyes all landed on me as I entered into the dorm room. "Harlow Anderson I was told this is my dorm room." I informed them, hoping to make my appearance into the room, less awkward. "Ah the new transfer student, I wanted to speak with you actually." the dark brown haired boy smirked. "Sorry about him, he literally flirts with any girl that has a heartbeat, I'm Aspen Mair" the brunette girl said in a softer tone, however her voice still laced in coldness, "That's Theodore Nott."she told me, pointing to the boy with dark brown hair and green eyes, who only just tried to hit on me. "and this is Lorenzo Berkshire." she then said pointing to the light brunette boy said beside her, who just nodded in response to what she had said. Just as I was about to say something, another boy came out of the bathroom.

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