Flash your an idiot

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Request from KindraReynolds
3rd person POV

Peter woke up with arms around him, he wanted to snuggle deeper but he had school stupid school.

"Harley get off me I have to go to school" Peter whispered Harley just groaned in response and tightened his grip on Peter he rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's antics.

Soon Harley got up and decided Peter should go to school before Tony comes into his room they went to the bathroom and brushed their teeth then went downstairs to get breakfast.

Peter looked at the time and saw he would be late if he didn't go now "bye guys see you later" he said already in the elevator.

He got down to the lobby and said hi to some of the interns and the front desk lady Deena and when out the double doors to meet with the black SUV and Happy inside with the divider up already.

Happy dropped Peter off far away from Peters school not to be seen with a small 'bye kid' then drove off and Peter started to walk to school.

As soon as he entered the doors of the school Flash aka Eugene Thompson pushed him and then laughed away with his 'friends' Peter sighed he then continued to walk towards his locker where ned was standing by.

Peter smiled at ned and they then did their super-secret handshake MJ then came up behind ned "hey losers" she said while using her thumb as a bookmark for her book and looking up at them to see ned jump in surprise.

She smirked at that and left to go to class ned and Peter had the same class as MJ so they followed her to room 218 and sat in their assigned seats until the teacher came in.

~time skip brought to you by me being lazy~

Peter just got out of school and started walking to the tower, Happy only drops him off Peter likes to walk back, Peter couldn't help but feel like he's being followed but it's probably just his head getting to him.

He walked into the tower still feeling like he's gonna be watched then all the sudden he hears the worse voice ever "penis why are you here!" Flash said this.

The vent then came open and Clint came running towards Peter "Help me, Peter please help me she's coming!" Clint said starting to cling onto Peter.

Peter looked confused for a second then came Natasha walking like a badass with a dagger in her hand "Clint Barton do not use Peter as a shield!" she exclaimed.

Peter then started trying to get Clint off him "get off me I don't want to die because of you!" he said still trying to get Clint off him.

Harley came out of the elevator and saw Clint on his boyfriend while trying to get him off and Natasha holding a dagger "hey bird brain get off my boyfriend!" Harley said while walking over to help Peter.

Tony came running out the Elevator to see what was happening "birdy! Get off my son now!" and that's when Flash said something stupid like always "penis what the fuck" the lobby went silent.

"What the fuck did you just call my son," Tony said calmly to calmly. . .

And that is how Flash ended up working at McDonald's


Sorry I didn't know how to end this and I kinda didn't know where this would have gone

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