Guild Ranking

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*Brandon's pov*

When I came to my brothers dorm with him we went to see if his dorm mate was there which he was. I later found out it was Devin when Ritchie sent a text to me, but when I was there we have a nice long conversation before I had to leave.

I left heading to my dorm mate who's name is Lucas. I entered and a saw him sitting on the couch his legs tucked in a huge hoody. He looked like a big ball with a head and arms. He was texting and went he saw me he waved at me before continuing.

He's weird and from what I saw at the assembly he and Devin and Kit are all friends. I don't know who this other person that was with them is but I guess I'll find out later.

I woke up the next day to my alarm and I realized today was the day that the new kids get their ranks. It's something that happens every year. For each guild it's on different days so that if the stadium gets damaged it can be repaired. The first day is always Divinus Magia's day because of some incident that happened and so if the stadium needs repairs it better to do it after the most destructive people are done with it.

I walked downstairs to see Lucas laughing over the phone. It was on speaker so when I got close I could hear the conversation.

"Stop laughing Lucas!"

"Sorry sorry sorry. But seriously Devin I feel bad for you man." Lucas said. So he's talking with Devin.

"I'd say the same to you. Your living with someone who is like super well known because of last year's events."

"But still I got the calm one you literally have the one that would blow holes into the roof if too angry." Lucas said grabbing a plate.

"We haven't really talked much with each other, and listen to this, it gets better."

"Oh really what is it?"

"My auntie is best friends with their parents."

"...pfft Oh My God I feel so bad for you no offense on their part that is it's just them but still."

"Ya ya laugh all you want but I'll make sure to pull your ear went I see you at the guild ranking thing."

"Oh boy. Well I'll see you there I'm pretty sure Brandon's out of his room so ya see ya Devin." Lucas said

"Bye see you later with David and Kit."

Lucas hung up and sighed and I came out of my spot.

"You and your friend talked about me and my brother huh." I said giving him a light glare and he visibly tensed.

"Oh ya I was right when I said you were out of your room." Lucas said turning to face me nervous written all over his face.

"We are going to have a talk about that  later but we need to get to the ranking stadium." I said leaving

The entire way there Lucas was nervous I wanted to tell him to relax but I don't think I'm the person that needs to tell him. I watched him meet up with his friends and David I'm assuming is the last person's name swung his arm around Lucas and he relaxed.

I looked over at my brother and we went to our place in the stadium. I sat down as Miss P stood at the center and the first years came in. One by one they came up and introduced themselves.

There was Devin, David, Lucas, Mario, and a few others I didn't pay attention to.

The ranking is very different usually you would get C rank first but that changed when you realize that people all have different levels of magic.

Mario was first and I find he's a earth dragon slayer with a slight bad aim.

Mario walked into the stadium and looked at the dummy before him. He took a big inhale and said earth dragon roar sending his attack straight at the dummy but it slightly missed.

He attacked again but this time he caused a slight earthquake which sunk the dummy a bit. Striking the dummy a couple of times he stood there before Polly came out. Polly used half of her magic to fight Mario, Mario's good but was easy to beat from what I've seen.

Lucas and David seemed to be on par with each other earning I'm going to assume the same rank. All of them all less hesitant then Devin. Devin didn't even move when he looked at the dummy. I don't know what his magic is but the other three were already announced their ranks.

Lucas and David are A and Mario is a B Devin is still unknown but he's a lot more hesitant then the others.

"I...." Devin spoke but stopped.

"Is there something wrong?" Miss P asked

"...My magics a big different then the others umm I don't think the dummy a going to help me here." Devin said

"Oh alright is there a way to demonstrate your magic?" Miss P asked.

"Yes. How do you feel about being in a castle?"

*Devin's pov*

I asked my question and waited. I'm nervous beyond belief but I had to show my magic some how right?

"Pfft a castle seriously?" I looked over at Mario and smiled.

"Yup!" I said

Before Mario knew it he was dressed up as a knight. I could see his shocked face and I chuckled.

"Alright so in most common fairy tales there's always a castle involved so why don't we see one ourselves!" I said raising my arms up with excitement as the whole stadium turned into a a castle. I was standing in the courtyard.

"What the-" I heard Mario say before I looked over at the dummy and it was dressed up as a princess.

"Now stories with castles have a princess yes?" I said looking at Miss P.

"Go on." She said

"Now a princess cannot be a queen if she doesn't have a partner with her, and so there is the prince of the story but if you want to change it up a bit of then maybe the princess falls in love with another princess." I said and Kit was in a dress with a crown.

"What the! Omg I look cute!" She said adjusting the crown.

"What about the prince who's that going to be?" I heard Brandon said his voice sounded like someone who was waiting to laugh at something.

"Well maybe the prince can be you?" I said and he was in a outfit as well. Ritchie was laughing now.

"You know this kingdom is missing something. A king!" I said before my outfit changed and I held a crown. I lifted it and up it on my head with a smile.

"Tell me what's your magic." Miss P asked

"Arc of embodiment. Imagination. So whatever I imagine comes to life." I said with a smile before feeling a wave of tiredness. I changed everything back to normal before shaking my head.

I heard voices and someone call my name but as good as I am controlling my magic I'm not good at controlling how much I use. My visioned blurred and I passed out feeling a arm grab me and pull me close before I completely blacked out.

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