Chapter: 1

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Marne's P.O.V

 I was stoked when I found out Asking Alexandria was performing here. I wanted to get my tickets before they were all sold out but I had to work so I asked my good friend Shanna to get one for me. She was kind enough to buy me a Meet and Greet ticket as well, I told her I'd pay her back but her response was 'I don't want your money.' I'm so lucky to have her around don't know where I'd be with out my Shanna.

"Hello? Marne? Earth to Marne!" Shanna shouted clicking her fingers in my face.

Snapping out of my trance, smiling at Shanna tilting my head to the right a bit. "What is it?" I ask.

"I know you're excited to go, but you're at work right now. Table twenty wants their order taken."

Smiling at Shanna nodding my head walking over to the table taking my notebook and pen out.

"What will it be gentlemen?" I ask looking at both of them.

"I'll have the chips and salad."

"And I'll get the salad." The other said.

Writing the order down in the book, turning around putting the pen back in the little black pocket of my waist apron, then felt a flat hand slapping my arse, turning around quickly back over to the men at the table shooting them my death glare. Leaving their table quickly with purpose to the kitchen. Ripping the paper out of the book placing it on the rail to be seen by the cook.

-- 8:40PM.

I knocked off work about an hour ago and I was chilling at home playing Heavy Rain. Looking up from my game and looked at the black wall clock it was 8:45PM. Shit. Saving the game and jumping quickly  off the sofa to go shower and change, I got changed  into my black long sleeved shirt with a British flag, black skinny jeans and black cadet boots. Grabbing my phone off the counter checking for unread messages, there was one from Shanna, opening it up  'Be careful tonight, guys in bands think they can do whatever they please and think they can have any girl they want. So don't go around being too easy, you hear me?'

Chuckling over her text, I shoved back my phone into my jean's pocket and grab my keys to head for the door. Shanna is like an over-protective mother but, she's more like a sister.


I was at the concert now, at the front people were chanting "Asking Alexandria" or a band member name mainly it was only Ben's or Danny's. The screaming got louder as Ben, Cam, Danny, James and Sam walked on.

"Danny baby! I love you!" A bunch of girls shouted out, one was really close to me and shouted it right in my ear.

Good grief, stupid fan girls.


The concert had ended and I lost count of how many times I was slammed up against the barrier. Now  I'm waiting in  line for the band to sign my poster.

Ben's P.O.V

The concert was fucking amazing, the people of... eh whose gives a fuck where we are? Right now the guys and I are signing a bunch of fan's merch a girl even asked me sign her breasts, I was happy enough to.

Looking up at the next person that wanted me to sign more stuff, holy fuck, she's gourges! She had brownish red hair and light green eyes.

"Hi, could you please sign this?" She asked shyly nodding and turned the poster around facing me signing my name near my head. I look fucking sexy on this poster.

"I'm Ben." I said putting my hand out for her to shake.

"I know. I'm Marne." She replied shaking my hand. I hadn't noticed she has an Australian accent.

"Would you like a picture with yours truly?" I ask chuckling getting out of my seat tapping James on the shoulder asking if he could take the picture, of course he agreed.

Marne and I walked over near the lights and put my arm around her shoulder. James took the photo and I took the camera back from him then he went back to his seat at the table. Looking at the photo on the screen smiling to myself, Marne had one hell of a smile on her. Handing the phone back to her as he looked at it and smiled and put it back in her pocket.

"You should send me that photo." She nodded. "Hey, um, would you like to maybe come by the bus to hang out?" I ask giving her my Ben smile.

"Yeah, that's sounds pretty cool." Marne said blushing a little. 'I'll let you get back to the signing. See you.' She waved turning on her heel and left.


So, What Do You Guise Think So Far? Is It Good? Bad? Let Me Know.

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