~|Chap 1 ~ A ThunderClan She-Cat|~

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Like I said... Slow Updates on this-...


The ShadowClan camp at night is quiet. Fireflies fly around camp, or settle on leaves. They light the place up. Most of the clan cats are asleep. A black She-Cat grabbed a few Poppyseeds. She placed them onto her shelf with the other Poppyseeds."I need more resources" the She-Cat mumbled to herself. 'I'll go and get some.' The She-Cat walked out of her den. She walked past the nursery. All you could hear is kit's and Queen's sleeping. The She-Cat walked past her father's den. No one but her mother and sisters knew that ShadowStar was her father. She never liked hiding secrets, but she had to. She thought of not telling him where she was going. But, she decided she should tell him. She walked up to den, and entered it. Her father was awake, just laying there. "Father?..." The She-Cat whispered quietly, making sure no cat could hear.

"What do you need BlackPelt?" ShadowStar asked, "And why are you up this late?". BlackPelt sat down infront of her father. "I'm just letting you know that I'm going out to get more supplies" BlackPelt said, flicking her tail playfully. Her father sighed, and sat up. "Fine, you may go" He said at last. His voice was deep, but strong. ShadowStar flicked his tail, and lied back down. "Be back at SunRise, and do you need a Apprentice to help you?" He asked thoughtfully. BlackPelt was silent, then she shook her head. "Actually, I do" She admitted. She needed a lot of supplies, and she couldn't carry it all. "Go and fetch LonePaw, he will help you out." ShadowStar ordered, flicking his tail towards the door.

BlackPelt nodded, and left the den. She walked over to the apprentice's den. All of them where sleeping soundly. LonePaw is closet to the entrance. His black pelt blended in with the night. BlackPelt tapped him, he hissed without opening his eyes. "Excuse me?" BlackPelt said, "Do not hiss at me!." BlackPelt wacked him, making his jump off his bed. He was wide awake now. "BlackPelt? What do you need?" LonePaw asked whispering, trying not to wake the others. "Your gonna help me get supplies" BlackPelt said, "And it's ShadowStar's order". The tom nodded and followed BlackPelt out of camp. It's a peaceful time at night. No one is here to bug you, or steal things from you.

Everything is just quiet, and she likes that. BlackPelt and LonePaw stoped moving. BlackPelt begins to dig. She pulls up a cobweb. "Carry this cobweb, we need to find Poppyseeds." BlackPelt ordered, handing LonePaw the cobweb. He took it, and followed BlackPelt. They soon reached the border between there Clan ShadowClan and ThunderClan. "I usually find Poppyseeds and Cobwebs here" BlackPelt said, "Place that down and look in the trees for cobwebs." "Okay...?" LonePaw replied, and ran over to a tree to look for cobwebs. 'I really do need a Apprentice...' BlackPelt thought to herself. "But who..." She mumbled under her breath.

She begins to dig, in search for Poppyseeds. She finds several Poppyseeds and places them on a leaf. It was New-Leaf at the moment. 'Where is LonePaw?' BlackPelt asked herself. "LonePaw!" She yelled, "LonePaw!!". He came running, with many cobwebs in his mouth. BlackPelt smiled, her eyes shining with delight. "Yes?" He asked curiously. He was smileing, it was hard to tell becuase of the cobwebs but he was smileing big. "We need to get goi-" BlackPelt started, but then she got interrupted. "BLACKPELT!!" A voice called from the ThunderClan border. BlackPelt looked to where the voice came from, a Spotted Tan She-Cat was standing there.

"Hey FernWing!" BlackPelt said, picking up the Poppyseeds in the leaf. "Who is that?..." LonePaw asked confused. "Oh that's FernWing, she's the ThunderClan Deputy" BlackPelt told him. LonePaw gulped, he knew they shouldn't be talking to her. "She a friend of mine" BlackPelt added. LonePaw's eyes where wide, he was deep in thought. "Well, nice seeing you FernWing, But we must go" The Medicine Cat added. The She-Cat nodded. Several cats appeared behind her. It looks like she is leading a patrol. There where about 5 cats. But there is one cat, that BlackPelt couldn't take her eyes off.

It's a Orange She-Cat, her pelt is the color of fire. Her eyes are a bright green. BlackPelt felt strange even by looking at her. The She-Cat is beautiful, she has long legs. A thin tail, and perfectly groomed pelt. "Come'on, BlackPelt... We need to go" LonePaw said, nudging the She-Cat. "Yeah, right..." She finally said, shakeing her head. They grabbed the stuff, and walked back to camp. All of the Tom's and She-Cats are awake. BlackPelt and LonePaw walked into the Medicine den and placed the stuff on the shelf. LonePaw was exused and BlackPelt was left alone with her thoughts. 'Wow....' Was all she could say.

She was blown away by a ThunderClan cat. OUT OF ALL THINGS! A THUNDERCLAN CAT! BlackPelt sat there, and sighed. She wanted to talk to the She-Cat, but she had to come back. All BlackPelt knows is... She'll see the She-Cat again.


How was it? :)

I'll update soon... :)

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