~|Chap 2 ~ Apprentice?|~

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BlackPelt sat quietly in her den, she was debating if she needed a Apprentice. She needed one at some point though, so it can be the next medicine cat in the future. She smiled and got up. She grabbed a few cobwebs and placed them onto her shelf. 'Yes, I am going to ask father for one!' BlackPelt ran out of her den, and headed straight for the clan leaders den. There is a pile of fresh kill in the middle of camp. Several clan cats are enjoying themselves with their fresh kill. There all gathered in groups, talking as there eating. BlackPelt walked in ShadowStar's den. He has a rabbit foot in his mouth. BlackPelt's stomach growled at the sight off food. Her father looked up, slightly concerned. "Go eat, your hungry" He meowed, flicking his tail. "Wait, I will... But I need something" BlackPelt replied. Her father took another bite, then looked up at BlackPelt once again.

"What is it that you need?" He asked, sitting up. BlackPelt sighed, "I think I'm ready for an apprentice...". Her father smiled, pushing his rabbit aside. "Alright, I figure out what I can do" ShadowStar said, standing up. "Now go and eat" He ordered, walking out of his den. 'Let's go eat!'. BlackPelt walked out of the den and over to the fresh kill pile. She took a small hare. It's brown with white spots, it also has a pink nose. She carried it over to a small spot under a tree. The grass is soft but wet. The tree covered the spot in shade. The branches blocking the sun from blazing down on the She-Cat. She sat down and took a bite of the Rabbit. (I really don't want to describe eating soo... After She Ate The Rabbit) She sat there in the shade, smiling. She wonders what the She-Cat in ThunderClan was doing.

Then out of nowhere her father started speaking from the HighStone. "All cats who are old enough to catch their own prey gather around highstones for a meeting". Several cats gathered around, sitting side by side or behind each other. BlackPelt walked over and sat in the front. He was standing by a kit. She is a bright tan She-Cat. "Come on up, BlackPelt" ShadowStar ordered. BlackPelt nodded and walked over to the HighStone.  She jumped up and made her way to the top. ShadowStar smiled and looked towards the small kit. "Cat's of ShadowClan, as you know, I will not be around forever So it's time I took on a Apprentice. I have chosen a cat cat who has shown that they can carr for the clan when they have injuries or when they are sick. Your next medicine cat will be BrightPaw." BlackPelt announced.

"BrightPaw, do you accept the post of apprentice to BlackPelt?" ShadowStar asked. "I do" She replied smiling. "Then at the next half-moon you must travel to the MoonStone to be accepted by StarClan before the other medicine cats." BlackPelt said calmly. BrightPaw nodded, smiling. The ShadowClan leader finishes, "The good wishes of all ShadowClan will go with you" He then touches noses with the apprentice, then the clan greets the new apprentice. ShadowStar leaped down from HighStone and went into his den. BlackPelt then leaped of the HighStone and flicked her tail for BrightPaw to follow. They walked over to the medicine den and entered.

"BrightPaw, the next half-moon is in a week. Then we shall go to the MoonStone to see if StarClan accepts you as the next medicine cat." BlackPelt explains. "Okay" BrightPaw meows, sitting infront of BlackPelt. BlackPelt smiled, and lied down infront of her apprentice.



See you in the next chapter!


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