~|Chap 3 - The Poppyseed problem|~

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Hello! I'm updateing! :)


Her apprentice's eyes where beautiful. She just couldn't stop stareing at them. Her crystal blue eyes. BlackPelt would do anything to have eyes like that. Tomorrow was the day they would leave for the MoonStone. The next half-moon was in two days. It usually takes one whole day to get there. They would be there by nighttime. The other medicine cats aready know that they must meet at the MoonStone for the young apprentice so she can be accepted as the next medicine cat of ShadowClan. BlackPelt got up from her spot and walked over to a pile of leaves. "BrightPaw?" BlackPelt said, glanceing over at the small she-cat. The she-cat looked up, "Yes?" She asked. "I need you, to grab some Poppyseeds." BlackPelt said, flicking her tail.

"Okay!" She replied. BrightPaw got up and then started walking. She stoped and looked at BlackPelt with a confused expression. "Wait- What are Poppyseeds?" BrightPaw asked. BlackPelt couldn't help but chuckle. "Ah, yes. Sorry" She replied simply. "It looks like this!" BlackPelt said, holding a leaf with several tiny black seeds placed on it. "Ohhh" BrightPaw said curiously. BrightPaw quickly ran over to a shelf. She studdied the shelf for several seconds. "Uh, BlackPelt?" BrightPaw asked worriedly. BlackPelt looked over at BrightPaw smileing. "What is it?" She asked, placeing down the leaf with Poppyseeds on it.

"There is none-" BrightPaw said. She looked at her mentor, her tail was twiching. BlackPelt's smiled droped, then BlackPelt walked over to stand next to BrightPaw. She studdied the shelf for several minutes. Her eyes going side to side, and up and down. "That's odd... I just got some two night ago" BlackPelt mumbled. "Maybe something stole them?" BrightPaw said. BlackPelt nodded, a frown was covering her face. "Maybe," She replied, "Let's tell ShadowStar about this". BrightPaw just simply nodded. She wondered what happened to them, and what they where used for. BlackPelt walked out of the den, with her apprentice close behind. It was sunset at the moment. Soon it would be night.

They walked past several clan cats. They headed into the main part of the camp. The HighStone and her father's den was sitting on the side of the camp. "That's the den! Right?" BrightPaw said, pointing at an opening in the HighStone. "Correct" BlackPelt hummed. They walked over to the HighStone. They where now infront of the den. BlackPelt entered the den first. "Oh, Hello BlackPelt" The clan leader meowed. "Hi" She meowed. BrightPaw then entered the den, she sat next to BlackPelt. "Oh, and, hi BrightPaw" ShadowStar added, once he noticed her. "What is it that you need?" He asked curiously. "Do you want to tell him, BrightPaw?" BlackPelt asked, looking down at her apprentice.

"Oh, sure?-" BrightPaw replied, looking up at her mentor. BlackPelt smiled softly and looked back at her father. "So, uh, ShadowStar?" BrightPaw said. "Yes?" He asked, with all of his focus on her. BrightPaw took a deep breath, and gulped. "BlackPelt asked me to grab some Poppyseeds but there where none there" BrightPaw said sighing. ShadowStar closed his eyes. "BlackPelt?" He asked, "Why are there no Poppyseeds?". BlackPelt flicked her tail side to side. "I'm not too sure, I just got some two night ago" She meowed with a stern tone. "There was quite a bit, and it seems to have all just disappeared?". ShadowStar sighed, he closed his eyes once again. "What are you saying?" He asked thoughtfully.

BlackPelt sighed and glanced at BrightPaw. "I'm saying that, someone or something could have stolen them" She hissed. ShadowStar sat up, stareing at her with his dark brown eyes. "BlackPelt, I'll figure it out later. But for now, go get some rest" He ordered, "You and BrightPaw have a big day tomorrow". BlackPelt nodded, and walked out of the den. "Come, fresh kill is available" BlackPelt meowed. She walked over to the fresh kill pile and picked up a small mouse. It was white and had a pink nose. BrightPaw walked over and picked up a light brown bunny with black spots. They made there way over to a spot with flowers. The flowers are growing up straight. They come in colors of pink. The spot was covered by a tree. Many other cats where eating there fresh kill.

BlackPelt took a large bit out of the mouse. BrightPaw was aready almost done with hers. BlackPelt took another bite, and chewed it. She swallowed it and started licking her paws. BrightPaw finshed eating and looked up at her mentor. "BrightPaw, why don't you go and hang out with the other apprentice's?" BlackPelt said, in between licks. "Okay!" BrightPaw meowed and ran off to the group of apprentice's near by. BlackPelt smiled, then got up. She wanted to figure out the Poppyseed problem. Who or what was stealing them? Why would they steal them? What was the purpose of stealing them? She walked over to her den. She passed the Nursery and warrior  den. She was now infront of her own den, the Medicine Cat Den.

BlackPelt walked forward but stoped. A cat she didn't know ran out of her den. The cat ran over to a bush and went through it. BlackPelt hissed with fury, knowing that was the theif. She ran after the cat, pushing through the bushes. BlackPelt exited the bush to find the cat running up ahead. The cat wasn't that far ahead of BlackPelt. BlackPelt ran after the cat at full speed. "HEY!" BlackPelt hissed, "GET BACK HERE". The cat didn't reply, it just keep running. RiverClan border was comeing up, meaning there was a river.  The cat stoped once it reached the river. The cat turned around with panic writen all over its face. So it's not a riverclan cat. But, then what clancat was it?? Or is it even a clancat??

BlackPelt slowed to a stop, after seeing the cat. Is was a small she-cat. Looked to be about 12 moons old. It was a apprentice. "Hey! Why where you in my den?" BlackPelt hissed, "And, why do you have my Poppyseeds?!". The small she-cat droped the Poppyseeds and gulped. She was quivering in fear. "I'm- I'm Sorry!!" The small she-cat said. "You should be" BlackPelt hissed. "Now why did you steal them?". BlackPelt grabbed a leaf and placed it on the forest floor. "My Clan Leader asked me to get some Poppyseeds!" the she-cat whispered. "And, I went to your... den to get some!". BlackPelt sighed, and picked up some Poppyseeds and placed them on the leaf.

'She was only doing what see was told to do'. "Alright, It's fine I guess. Just don't do it again." BlackPelt said, "Take these to your clan". BlackPelt gave the she-cat the leaf with Poppyseeds on it. "And what's your name, and what clan are you in?" BlackPelt asked, picking up the remaining Poppyseeds. "Oh.. I'm LillyPaw, and I'm- I'm... from ThunderClan" LillyPaw meowed. "Oh, Alright. Run along now" BlackPelt sighed. LillyPaw picked up the leaf with the Poppyseeds and ran off towards ThunderClan territory. BlackPelt sighed once again and picked up the leaf with the remaining Poppyseeds on it. "Time to get back, and sleep." She mumbled. BlackPelt walked back to the bushes and went through them.

She was back in ShadowClan camp, and was near her den. She exited the bushes and walked to her den. She entered the den and walked to her shelf that had supplies. She placed down the Poppyseeds and the leaf on the shelf and lied down. It was nighttime now and she was quite tired. BrightPaw is in the apprentice's den sleeping with the other apprentice's. The camp is quite and peaceful, but BlackPelt needed the rest for the journey to MoonStone with BrightPaw. BlackPelt yawned, and closed her eyes, and feel into a world of darkness.


Ah! How was it? That's à large Chapter!  Lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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