New Home For The Supers

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        A few days later Caleb, the casino was vacant for them to take control. In the days between Caleb was scouting out the towns for places to hide or where others could be trapped. He waited to free people until the casino had finished being remodeled into a real headquarters. Since he was finally given the ok, he headed inside to see what he was working with. The first floor already had a dining area and kitchen so that was one less thing to deal with. The main issue was where to put everyone’s rooms. He went up the elevator to see two large areas filled with machines. He lifted them up with his air magic and put them out on the balconies of their respective floors. Now with that out of the way, he started planning room sizes and how many to fit in them. He had already compiled a list of furniture in his mind to turn into reality whenever he wanted. He used air magic to colour borders of where he thought rooms could go. Next was a bit of earth magic to decide where he wanted the beds. He left them there to work on another area so he could let it stew in his mind. He saw the area next to it viable for a training area. He had to search his mind a bit more for the training tools that were around the lab in the magic dimension. He still wanted everything to be a bit simplistic though. He set up where he wanted everything again before looking at the terrace on the top floor. He didn't see anything wrong with keeping it so he left it as is.
      He then decided it would be a good idea to get a second opinion so he called the leader again to check on it. They didn't make any large comments about it for the most part so Caleb just did what he thought was best. Not the greatest idea for a 6 year old to have that much power, but Caleb was Caleb. He started with the rooms because he deemed them more important. He copied the walls surrounding and placed them where he wanted. Next was placing bunk beds around so there would be room for a lot of people. He left only one on each floor to be with a singular bed. One for him and one for the soon to be leader. He knew that they were in turn more valuable, because if one of them got caught, they could be used against the majority of the Supers. He then placed the dressers around, not too big but enough for everyone to have a decent sized storage. 
      He didn't know much else to add so he headed to where the training room was to be. With a few commands sent from his mind, the space started to take form and look like a great place to train. After he was done he realised he didn't have any weapons to give for people to train with. He quickly turned invisible and headed to the local smith copying the best sword, knives, spears, and bows they had. He also made sure to copy some arrows and a quiver before heading back to make his final touches.

       Soon enough it was done and Caleb was able to invite everyone inside. He loved seeing the look on their faces and it filled him with pride. He was happy that his hard work didn't go to waste. But with all that in mind, he knew that he had to start on the next task of freeing all the people trapped in different places. He mainly worried about the large lab on the island across the large bridge. He steeled his nerves and set off towards the areas already mapped out to save people.
      He firstly went to the horse stables where he previously bought one for this purpose and rode for the farthest away areas since it would take longer for them to arrive at the casino, and he could keep track of them as he went along. He arrived at one of the factories that doubled as a holding facility for them. He didn't sense anyone inside though so it took him a few moments to see they were already being loaded up in a truck to go to the lab. Fate was luckily on his side and he went into action. He used his air magic to remove the captors and free the Supers in need. 
     “Go to the old casino, you’ll find help there,” was all he said before turning invisible again and riding to the next area which was close by. Inside a hotel, one of the floors was specifically made to keep Supers locked up. He teleported up and picked the locks with his air magic, not feeling like melting the door like he did with the sand castle. He then repeated the previous phrase before disappearing again. It was almost humorous how quick of work he was able to do on those who wished to take advantage of other people born differently. He also was slightly impressed by just how much places could be turned into that of evil. A tall statue which repurposed a higher part to trap people, an open tower, the zoo, a lighthouse, and even the town hall! The only one that seemed fit to hold people was a pirate ship that seemed to be getting ready to set sail with a few on it. And this was only one side of the city. Albeit, the other side didn't have nearly as many, or any rush to save them so he was going to leave that to another day. He can only do so much as one person. And besides, he hadn’t even started with the floats that actually floated in the sky using hot air balloon technology.
      After he finished those he planned on saving, he rode back to the used to be casino and tied his horse to one of the fences in the garden beside it. He was ready to sleep from having to use his powers so much. It wasn't as bad as the last time since he kept himself in check. He absentmindedly asked someone to wake him up when food was ready to which they counted in wanting to talk to him about “how grateful they are,” and “how he changed their life,” and can’t forget “owing him their life”. He just wanted to sleep. He just smiled and nodded until more came around to do the same thing. It took so long for them to leave, dinner was already prepared so he had to converse with more people when he only wanted to eat. He ended up getting so annoyed that after he finally finished his meal, he stood up without a word, and headed off to bed (the life of an introverted superhero).

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