Chapter 7

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**Time lapse**
3-4 months after.

Its been so long since I have seen Joey,  but for some reason I really missed him. I really liked him. Even though I knew him only for like a week or so. Maybe I love him.

To cheer my self up I got ready and decided to go shopping.
After shopping, I went to the beauty parlour. I thought probably a makeover could make me feel better, so I got a new haircut and dyed my hair ombre. On my way home I stop at my favorite place for lunch Urth Cafe.
I sat down, the waiter brought me a menu. While I was going through the menu, I heard a familiar voice. "Excuse me miss, do you mind if I joined you, the other seats are full. And this place is always packed with people."

I moved the menu blocking my face. To see if it was really who I think it was. I was right it was Joey. "Hey Joey. "

"Omg, Danny you look gorgeous.  Damn talk about a make over."

"Haha, have a seat."

"What, why, you're not going ask me to leave?"

"No, listen I kind of over reacted. I'm sorry."

"So you like me. "

"No Joey I never said that. I don't like you. Just have a seat, and do whatever you have come here for."

"You mean eat."

"Haha, yeah."

"Danny I'm really sorry, I still love you. I can't sleep or eat properly, cause your always in my mind. I'm always thinking about you."

"Look Joey, I don't like you, but if you still want to talk about this you can leave."

"Lie, you do still like me."

"Joey leave!"

"Okay sorry."

The waiter came over and asked us our odder. "Turkey sandwich." We both said unison.

Joey chuckled.

"What's up, what's so funny?"

"I don't know why you can't see it that we are meant to be."

"Stop it, Joey. "

Lunch arrived. We ate and spoke for a while.

After we walked to the parking lot, I said bye, and got into my car. And when I tried to start the car, It broke down.

I got out and kicked the tire in frustration.

"Need a ride." Joey asked.

"No it's fine I'll get a cab."

"Nah! Come on I have nowhere to rush to."

I agreed. "Thanks."

"So, me lady. Where do you wish to go?"

"Haha. Can we go to a book store."

"Your wish is my command. "

While looking out the window, from the corner of my eye I noticed Joey was staring at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Your just so pretty."

I smiled.
"Thanks, But hey I don't know about you but I wish to live so can you please keep your eyes on the road."

We later went into the book store and while looking at the books. Me and Joey picked up the same book, and that said 'Truths behind DESTINY'.

"Why can't you see it Danny? You were the one who made me believe in destiny. "

"And you are the one who made me loose my belief in destiny, Look Joey, I was wrong there is no such thing as destiny. This is all a coincidence. "

"Danny your just trying to push me away from you why... Why tell me?"


"I know I've made a mistake, but I promise I won't repeat it. I won't let anything hurt you, trust me. I love you."

"Trust you.... How am I suppose to trust you, when you have already broken my trust 4 months ago, and I barely know you. I've literally known you for 2 weeks."


"No Joey,  okay I admit it I love you. Its been hard for me since the day after Vidcon. And I want to be with you."

"Then forget whatever that happened between us, and let's start over again."

"No Joey, I can't. Let's test destiny one last time. And this time if it helps us I'm all yours, and your mine we can be together. I want to clarify that all this wasn't a coincidence and I can trust you again."

"What are you crazy Danny, why are you making things so complicated between us. Why are making me suffer, I love God dammit. "

"Your not the only one suffering Joey, I'm suffering to. Please one last time, if you really love then agree."

"Okay fine, what are we going to do?"

I pulled out 2 dollars and a pen from my purse. And noted down Joey' s phone number on the corner of a dollar bill, then noted down my phone number on the corner of another dollar bill.

"What the hell are you you doing Danny."

"Give me you phone Joey."


"Just hand it over."

He gave it to me, I quickly deleted my number from his phone and then his number from my phone.

"Why the hell did you do that? I don't understand what's going on in you mind, but I don't like it."

"I'll explain it to you later, just follow me."

He did as I told him, I took the dollar bills with our numbers on it and then gave them to a homeless person."

"What?..." Joey said confused.

I explained it to him. "Joey if it's really 'destiny' bringing us together, and if we were actually meant to be. Then the dollar bill with my number will reach you by some or the other mean, or the dollar bill with your number on it will reach me by some or the other mean. Understand?"

"What are you stupid, it will take years or maybe never, I can't take that chance, I can't loose you again. I love you too much."

"I love you too Joey. And if you really do love me to then have faith in our love, have faith in our destiny."

I began to walk away.

"Wait Danny where are you going?"

I bursted into tears as I said " Bye Joey." And continued to walk.

"No Danny, you can't leave me like this, I won't be able to stay without you."

I stopped a cab. When suddenly Joey wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer hugging me tightly, I hugged him back. "Have faith, I love you Joey." I whispered. I got out of his grip and quickly got into the cab and slammed the door.I asked the driver to move and don't stop at any cost. When he began to move, Joey began to chase the cab, knocking on the window he said. "Danny we can sort this out some other way please stop."

But the cab moved faster leaving Joey slowing down behind.  I turned back to see him one last time. He fell on his knees and yelled "DAANNNNNYYYY!!!" while sobbing.

I began to sob even harder.
I got home all drenched from my own tears. I laid down on my bed, and sobbed loudly.

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