What Started It All

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Anthony lived in a very toxic household with his parents who were still coming to terms that their daughter is now their son. Benjamin invited Anthony to move in with him when he moved to Georgia for work. Anthony thought about it for a few weeks even though he knew he wanted to. Benjamin moved in first and then Antony packed up his car grabbed his cat and headed to Georgia. The first few months nothing happened between the two, just hung out as friends. They both would have other people to the house. Anthony would try not to be home when Benjamin had someone over. He knew deep down why he didn't wanna be home but he wouldn't tell Benjamin that. Anthony knew this secret could cause their friendship to change forever. So he had made the decision to push those feelings down. Around July Anthony's birthday Benjamin and Anthony took a trip to West Virginia to visit their friend Cody. On Anthony's birthday they went out and had a great time adventuring. The night of his birthday him and Benjamin went to bed all cuddled up on the air mattress, Benjamin didn't think anything of it except it was platonic cuddles. Benjamin went right to sleep while Anthony struggled to sleep knowing how bad he wanted the man cuddled up to his chest. Anthony's friend Cody knew how Anthony felt and always told him to be careful. A few weeks past after they went back home and Anthony decided to tell Benjamin how he felt. He was going to tell him when he got home after work but Benjamin was knocked out. The next day while Anthony and Benjamin were both at their jobs Antony decided to text him and tell him how he felt. He waited anxiously by the phone trying to distract himself on facebook as he waited for a response. Eventually Benjamin responded saying he wasn't sure how he felt but he was feeling a physical connection recently.  Antony got home from work and so did Benjamin and they went and picked up food as normal not talking about the text before. Around 3am they both woke up feeling sick, they had gotten food poisoning from the restaurant. They decided to both call out of work and they stayed in bed all day just talking and sleeping on and off. When they were both awake about to go to the store to get stuff to make dinner Anthony kept touching Benjamin's nose and Benjamin would do the same. They started playing a game seeing who would be the last one to poke the other, Anthony is tickleish Benjamin on the other hand is not. So Benjamin tickled Anthony and pinned his hands above his head and touched his nose. The room was silent as Benjamin looked into Anthony's eyes and leaned down and kissed him. Anthony kissed back totally shocked at what just happened. They both pulled away and decided to go to the store, on the way to the store Benjamin put his hand on Anthony's thigh. They got back from the store and Benjamin made dinner, they snuck in kisses every moment they got. After they ate they both laid in bed together just watching tv until Anthony wanted more then just a kiss..

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