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He started walking the other way. She stood there for a sec breathing in. This was it. The start of something that will probably change her life. She grinned as she followed him along with everyone else. She quickly noticed his pace went faster every second. Soon they were speed walking. Then jogging. Then running.

"Please continue to follow me to the second phase." Satotz said as he continued running smoothly. "Second phase?" "Wheres the first?" I heard a couple people say. 'idiots. Were already in the first phase' she thought as he started to speak again. "We are already proceeding in the first phase." She heard murmurs and slight gasps as she rolled her eyes. They continued running getting faster occasionally. Of course she started to feel tired 3 hours in as she took in a sharp breath. He was behind her. She glanced from the side of her eye behind her noticing from her side view the burning color of red and pink of his hair. She scoffed as she sped up practically feeling his eyes burning holes in the back of her head. She shook off the feeling as she continued running through this sewer like tunnel anticipating an end.

10 hours. 10 hours before she saw stairs. 'god when does this end' she groaned in her head as she took the first step up the stairs. She winced as she felt her legs burn from running for so long. She saw satotz get even faster as she frowned. This was gonna be a long day. She suddenly heard a weird clicking and jangling to her left that was slightly behind her. She could practically feel the malice as she slightly turned her head that way to glance at it. Her eyes widened. He was staring at her. A slight gasp left her lips as she stumbled on a stair slightly before regaining control quickly turning her head away. His body was disoriented. He had pins all over his body. She shook her head as she made a mental note. 'stay away from that freak'. Dangerous people roam the hunters exam. She has to be extra careful as she's already caught one psychopaths attention. She didn't have a death wish. She glanced down at her bruised wrist the slight memory replaying in her head. She shivered. She has to stay away from him. Far away.

17 hours. She saw a light ahead, finally the exit. The light filled the tunnel as she let out a breath of relief running slightly faster to get it over with, because her legs were killing her. Then, she saw two little boys racing eachother to the end. God she wished she had that type of enthusiasm and energy. As she reached the top she looked back as something bumped into her making her stumble forward and landing on the ground. "Hey what the hell" she grumbled looking up. She saw the clown again. Or so called "magician". "Oops my apologies dear~" he said closing his eyes lightly with a smirk dragged across his face. 'he totally did that on purpose. Dickhead.' she thought scoffing under her breath. "It's fine." She said bluntly staring at the side. She really didn't want to make eye contact with his predatory eyes. "Have some more enthusiasm, you make it seem like you're tired of me!~" he said opening his eyes tilting his head to the side ever so slightly. 'Does he actually think I'm not tired of him? Of all this? AFTER RUNNING FOR WHO KNOWS LONG?' she thought shooting her eyes to his. "Leave me alone. Please." She frowned knowing what a danger he was. One wrong move and something terrible could happen. "That's not how you treat new people you've met is it?~" he said his smirk staying still. She hated his smug face. "Y-" she was interrupted by satotz

"We are here in the milsly wetlands. We still got a long way to go until the second phase" 'well that's just fantastic' she thought sarcastically. As they were about to move it got interrupted by someone shouting. "WAIT! He's not the real examiner I AM!"

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