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October 24th

Robin P.O.V

Did I get in trouble.... Kind of. But not really. I got a "warning" as Alfred called it. I was late getting out of my house for our date so I didn't give Alfred a location that I would be at. Sure yeah I know its dumb. I should've just given him a location instead of saying out. I know better than that. They need my location at all times so that way if anything were to happen they have it.

But anyway Bruce has given me a new assignment for the day.

I have to go take Jason to get a new costume hes too tall for last years costume

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I have to go take Jason to get a new costume hes too tall for last years costume... they grow up so fast. Hes going to be turning eleven soon and by that I mean in August of next year.

Jason was lucky. Bruce let's him trick or treat however hes not allowed to eat any of the candy he gets. It's for safety reasons. Alfred goes out and buys candy for us. I was never allowed to trick or treat as a kid because it was too dangerous. But Jason really wanted to last year so I put on my pout face that Bruce can never say no to but I only use that if I feel its neccessary and it was definently necessary Jason deserves to be allowed to trick or treat.

I was actually going to go to that store to look for something for Arty in case she really didn't want to be a vampire.

"Jason you ready to go?" I question.

He comes running down the steps.

"Yes. I'm going to find the best costume ever and look like a total boss." He said with all the confidence in the world.

We go to the Halloween store and they have so many cool decorations that actually move and make sounds. I wouldn't mind having one and putting it in mount justice just so I could scare the crap out of my team. Especially Wally.... Or Artemis...

After looking at all the cool decorations we go over to the costumes.

"Stay put. If anyone walks up to you and touches you kick them in the shin as hard as possible. I'll be back." I said as I walk over to women's costumes....

What would Artemis even want? Like most of these costumes are made to make girls look... Uh sexy.... Artemis isn't really into that.... Is she?... Probably not.

"What are you doing?" Jason asked from beside of me.
"I told you to stay put." I repiled.
"And we both know I don't like to listen." He stated.
"Fair enough." I said back.
"So again I ask what are you doing?" Jason questioned.
"I'm looking for a costume." I answered.
"Uhhhhh.... This is for females... Your not a female.... you would want the male section." Jason said as if I was going crazy.
"I'm not looking for me. I know this is the girl section. I'm looking for a friend of mine." I said.
"Ooohhhh... A friend." Jason said wiggling his eyebrows at the last part.
"Stop! Stop wiggling them! It's not like that! We're just friends but shes doesn't have much money and shes going to a halloween party." I said.
"Right I forgot. You care about everyone but yourself. What was I thinking." Jason replied.
"That's not true." I said still looking.
"Really? Because I'm pretty sure it is. You hate recieving gifts on Christmas but love to give them. You would sell every personal item you have in order to help people. You got the flu and you were more worried about the people of Gotham." Jason stood by his accusation.
"Yeah definitely sounds like you care about others more than yourself to me." A very familiar voice said.

I turned around so fast. Artemis. She was here.

"Artemis." I greeted.
"Bird brain." She greeted me back.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I could ask you the same thing." She stated.
"Okay... but I asked you... first." I said.
"I come here to see the stuff they have. Mainly for the decorations but I do look at the costumes to." She answered my previous question.

"Your turn spill." She demanded.
"I came here for two reasons. One for Jason to get a costume and two to buy you a new one..." I answered... but I got a little shy at the last part.
"First reason thats fine but the second reason is not. I told you that I'd be fine as a vampire." She responded.
"Yeah but you didn't seem like you actually wanted to be a vampire." I stated back.
"Well... I don't but that's what I have. And the last thing I want is for you to spend money on me." She repiled.

"So let me put it like this. Don't you dare buy me a costume or I'll have your head cut off and mounted on my wall!" She threatened.
"Well in order to cut off my head you would have to catch me first... And good luck with that." I said unfazed by her threat.

Well I walked away with Jason so he could get himself a costume.

"And you said it wasn't like that." Jason said as we make it to the other aisle.
"Its not." I responded.
"Expect it is. I saw the way you were looking at her... You like her." Jason says.
"No! No I don't!!" I said back.
"I don't believe it." He stated.
"You don't have to but just note that it's the truth." I said.

I look over at her shes looking at a costume. She smiles at it as she looks at it. I can't really see what it is but I can tell she likes it and wants it. I watch her put it back and walk away.

"Okay I finally found one!" Jason excited yelled.
"Yeah.. What is it?" I asked.
"Han Solo." He responded.
"Wow that's really cool. Your gonna make a great Han Solo!" I said back.
"I'm ready to head to the counter  whenever you are." Jason announces.
"Okay. Just give me one sec." I said walking over to where Artemis had put the exact costume she liked.

It was a cool female pirate costume. It would make her look more like a baddie then she already is. She needs it.

Two hours later I head up to the mountain with the costume. I'm really hoping shes up here. And to my luck she is. Shes eating a pudding cup in the kitchen.

"So.... Don't get mad." I said.

When I say she looked up at me like she wanted to kill me. I mean exactly that. She knew. Just by me saying that. And she wants my blood for not listening.

"So I was out eariler as you know with Jason. I uhh happened to have seen something that I thought you would like." I said smiling innocently.

She still looks like she wants to kill me. If she was superman she would've cooked me from the inside out.

I put the pirate costume on the counter. She looks down at it. She was angry. Very angry that I didn't listen... So I did what any normal human being would do in this situation. I cackled and hid in the vents of Mount Justice. As a raging Artemis was waiting for me to come down so she could attack.

AN: Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Please tell me your thoughts.

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