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"GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS" taichi says, slamming open the door and throwing himself onto the top of the couch. "..what is it now, taichi?" yuki says with a monotone voice, not looking away from the TV. "there's this REALLY *REALLY* pretty girl in my class and i wanted to ask you guys for advice on how to talk to her !!!!!"  says taichi with an excited tone in his voice. "huh? why you asking us?" tenma asks . "it's not like we've ever dated anyone." "but yknow!!!!!!! you might at least have SOME advice,, right??? and you haven't dated anyone yet????? i thought you've at least dated some people..... you're popular & all that stuff!" taichi rambles. "i- i'm not into dating. got it? and if i WAS into dating i wouldn't find anyone who'd match my standards anyway," tenma scoffs. "oh.. what about you, yuki?" "no. i'm not into dating at all. next question." "maaaaaaan !! i'll ask mucchan and kazu-kun then...... hmph." taichi says, storming off silently.

"pfft. loser, haven't dated anyone yet." yuki giggles.


knock knock. 

"come in!"

"mucchan, kazu-kun hii!! i have a question to ask you guys." taichi asks. opening the door and sitting beside muku, who is reading some shojo manga. "hi taichi, and go ahead!" muku says, putting a bookmark between the pages he was reading and putting it down. kazunari walks down the stairs of the bunk bed and flops beside muku and taichi and says "sure taicchan! go ahead" with a genuine smile. 

"okay so...... do you guys have any dating advice?" 

muku almost chokes on his own spit. 

"d-dating advice?" muku repeats. "yeah! i wanted to talk to this pretty girl in my class but i don't know how to approach her.." "ahh, i do have some but..they don't exactly- ehem, work out well .. haha." kazunari clears his throat. "maybe ask tsuzuroon!! he reads those kinda books,, i think!!" "okay, thanks you guys!" taichi says, standing up and running excitedly to tsuzuru's room. 

"there there mukkun." kaz says, patting muku's back.

"my throat still hurts after almost choking,, ehhh...." muku cries. 


knock knock knock. 

"come in!"

"oh hi taichi. need anything?" tsuzuru asks. "yeah, actually. kazu-kun told me to go to you for dating advice." taichi states. "..dating advice? really? miyoshi-san said that?" tsuzuru asks, very confused and stressed. 


"fine, i'll try to remember whatever kind of dating advice i have left in my head. sit down over there on my bed." 

taichi sits on tsuzuru's bed as the owner of the bed takes in a deep breath and sighs.

"okay, have you talked to this girl yet?"


"well crap. try approaching her as friendly as you can and try not to come off as creepy. i haven't talked to any girl besides my mum, izumi and my relatives so just.. try your best. say something like ' hi! I'm taichi nanao, one of your classmates. I've seen you around school and wanted to know if you wanna be friends?' or something like that i dont know."

",, i thought you knew a lot of girls 😧"

"taichi, i'm an introvert who's only friends are you guys. you really think id know a lot of girls??"

"i mean yeah you seem extremely introverted."

"yeah okay no need to rub it in. anyway, just try to follow what i said. did you write you write it down?"

"yep! i wrote it here in my notebook!"

"..how do you read this?"


"pfft yeah yeah, just try approaching her like that tomorrow, kay? ill pass out now if you may."

"i– i mean have fun with that ig 😕🤞 thanks for the advice too!!" taichi says , walking out the door with his notebook in hand. tsuzuru flops on his bed, passing out due to the 3 days of no sleep. sheesh.


taichi walks back to his shared room with a determined smile on his face.

i can finally talk to her tomorrow..

"dinner's ready !!"

"OH CRAP DINNER" taichi internally screams, standing up quickly and ending up hitting his head on the door.

⌗ :: AVA'S NOTES ☆

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𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐘 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 | T. NANAO [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now