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- ☁️ ↷snyposis :: in which you find a young male, sleeping on a rock out in the open

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- ☁️ ↷
snyposis ::
in which you find a young male,
sleeping on a rock out in the open.. he seemed to be bruise and out of breath— so you decided to take him home and rest properly.

   "i'm gonna go now qiqi!" y/n announced, waving goodbye to young child she was babysitting

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   "i'm gonna go now qiqi!" y/n announced, waving goodbye to young child she was babysitting. "okay..." qiqi said in her usual monotone voice- waving goodbye baizhu at her side. baizhu already paid y/n her money; even when the young girl insisted it was okay.

   she then ran out of liyue, near wangshu inn.. seeing the teal haired adepts she laughed- "hey xiao! let me cook you some almond tofu again!" the males attention was then directed onto you. "...fine, and it better be good." he sighed as you smiled running off once again.

humming a sweet tune as you greeted all of your friends, they seemed in a very cheerful mood. everything went well for y/n until she encountered a strange man.. his clothes didn't seem to fit liyue style, the maple leaves reminded her of that enclosed city— inazuma, either way he was bruised and his clothes were drenched. there was a little bit of blood on his clothes,

y/n knew exactly what she had to do, she always helped others and tended to their wounds. liyue's healer or, liyue's barbara. although she wasn't apart of a church.

she attempted to pick up the man yet somewhat failed, he either seemed to be knocked out good— or he was a hard sleeper. the knocked out seemed more logical..

"tomo.. don't go..!" kazuha gasped as he jumped, the more he planted the more he realized.. it was just a dream.

where.. am i—? the male thought looking around, he first noticed the soft surface- the feeling of not that much sunlight on him.

he then took note that hr was in someone's bedroom.. "ah you're awake." he tried to jump towards them, in an attempt to apprehend the person who "kidnapped" him.

pinning down the speaker of the voice, he felt a large pain yet brushed it off either way. "ah.." she spoke, "where am i—?"

"liyue harbor." she calmly spoke, "who.. are you." "who are you?"

kazuha paused.. he didn't want to literally have to carry on all of this "who are you" fight. so he just sighed, "kaedehara kazuha."

"y/n l/n." y/n said.. "you're from inazuma correct?" she asked still being pinned on the floor; "yeah."

"now can you get off of me..? please it's quite uhm, embarrassing...?" y/n blushed, kazuha also blushed a little pink tint as he painfully got off the girl.

"don't move too much." y/n scolded; "i know how much you jumping on me was hard, you have a stab wound in your lower abdomen luckily it wasn't as deep. and you have to arrow wounds behind your knee(?)"

"let me heal you and then i'll wrap the bandages." y/n smiled politely, kazuha was wary- i mean being a fugitive life is hard for him.

"undress." "excuse me-?" kazuha choked from his thoughts by the young girls bold words. "oh- take off your shirt."

the male complied, as she lightly touched the wound.. he felt a breeze come inside the house and to his wound, her hands glowed a seafoam color. as the wind were visible enough to be shown, a swirl around the wound. her hair began to glow as it flew up, and finally... lifting her hand of his wound. he was as good as new,

"you have a vision?" kazuha asked... "yup, don't tell morax but i'd rather support barbatos." she giggled; "now let me heal your leg."

she proceeded to do the same exact thing to his leg, as he watched in awe.... she did it so elegantly. the way she closed her eyes, and how her h/l hair glowed— it was mesmerizing.

"is there something on my face?" y/n asked now a red tint was placed upon the wanderers cheeks as he looked away, "n-no-" he stammered.

   "ah, it's alright to be uncomfortable! i mean a stranger did just take you in—" she laughed at the blushing male, she blushed as well although. "do you have anywhere to stay..?"

   kazuha wanted to say beidou's ship, yet he doubt she could take him there.. plus it was quite noisy on her ship. "unfortunately no." he lied.

   "oh alright! you can stay with me.." y/n smiled sweetly; WOOOOO HOT GUY GETS TO STAY WITH MEEE FINALLLYYYY was what she

   "thank you for your hospitality..." marry me... kazuha thought before slapping himself.

   "huh.. i feel like kazuha's in love..." beidou said out loud, with her hands on her hips. "it could just be you." ninguang smiled as she placed a piece of the game they were playing forward.

   "ha! you may be right- but one day i'll make sure y/n asks him out—!" beidou hollered laughing; ningguang scoffed. "if the child ever had the courage of course, she's always admiring him from afar."

   "no- today's the day i swear!" beidou retorted, "well then- owe me. if they don't get together today."

   "i will..!"


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i did their personalities so wrong lord 💔

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