:: 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | albedo

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• requested  genre : angstpairing : albedo x reader

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• requested
genre : angst
pairing : albedo x reader

• requested  genre : angstpairing : albedo x reader

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✦ | you , the one as bright as the sun . beautiful as the sea when the sun sets — both becoming one . your elegance and nature blessed me ; as if you were a creature that i could not study , that i could not understand .

"how is one so perfect ?" albedo mumbled , sitting in his chair . looking down at the paperwork that was bestowed upon him , every now and then drinking his tea and massaging his temples before writing and organizing said documents . "why is one so perfect ?" he asked himself , scribbling down those questions on an extra piece of paper .

"i'll find out myself i suppose ." he spoke with a monotone voice ,

caterpillars take so long to become something beautiful ,

"albedo !" [name] exclaimed , flustered as she held a letter . bowing as she given it to the male , "please accept my confession of love !" she yelled , clearly embarrassed . cursing herself , 'this is not how i rehearsed it !' she squealed in her mind .

"ah .... i'm afraid i can't reciprocate . although i appreciate your feelings toward me ." albedo politely declined , putting his hand out — his palm facing her letter . [name] laughed awkwardly , before standing straight . clearly embarrassed and on the verge of tears —

"that's okay ! i know ! i understand !" [name] said , her voice getting weaker with each word she let out . cracking , like glass breaking . "well — see ya later !"

so why , did it take so long for me to realize just how beautiful you were ?

that day , [name] drank until night . stumbling to her home before she was murdered brutally . albedo forever blaming himself for her death .

just when he had realize , she appeared to him as a butterfly , he was too late .

afterall , most butterflies live for only about a month .

short albedo angst !! source for the butterfly : trust me bro w/c : 306

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short albedo angst !! source for the butterfly : trust me bro
w/c : 306

𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒 ! . ☆𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗇[✔︎]Where stories live. Discover now