Chapter 2

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(3rd Person)

Tyler walks to the edge of the cliffs lighting his cigarette and Kinsey comes over.
"You wouldn't do that if dad were here" she said
"If dad we're here we'd be in Seattle" he says turning his face to meet hers before taking it back.
"Serious question Tyler, are you okay?, I mean I know none of us are okay but, you seem Really far away, i know you and dad were fighting a lot before..well." She says walking towards him.
And looking down at the mention of their father.
"Are you okay?" Tyler asks her
"Yeah I'm fine" Kinsey replies
"Frickin' liar" Tyler says
"I can't believe that boy knew who we were" she says
"Get used to it tomorrow at school it'll be worse" he says
"You know what's stupid, when I saw this place the first thing I wanted to do was send a picture to dad, he'd really like this place, you know what I think we should, come on" Kinsey says as she pulls her phone out and takes a picture to send to their dad.

..During that evening..

Ding. Was the sound of the phone as Nina picked it up, she saw a picture of her two eldest children standing at the edge of the cliff, this picture brought her joy as they weren't fighting but getting a long for once.
Nina has a flash back.
Her and her husband are talking about painting and just as he begins to go upstairs Kinsey runs in and says.
"I'm twerp hunting have you seen him, we're playing wack a bode."
"Nope, don't know where he is" her husband says loudly, "try the basement" he whispers to her. Kinsey laughs and heads to the basement. The door bell goes,
"Tyler forgot his key again" Rendell (husband/dad) says
"Oh come on give him a break" Nina says
Going to answer the door.
"Oh hi you're?" Nina asks
"Sam, Sam lesser" the kid Sam says
"I know ty" he says
"Come in, must be freezing" Nina says
"Sam?, you alright?" Rendell asks
"Can we talk" Sam says
"Why don't you come by my office first thing Monday" Rendell says
"It really can't wait" Sam says
"We can talk Monday Sam" Rendell says
"No, no we can't, you're gonna tell me everything I need to know" Sam says pulling the gun out of his pocket and pointing directly at Rendell.
"Sam you're gonna have to put the gun down" Rendell says calmly.
"No I don't" he says
"We'll I'm certainly not talking to you while you're holding a gun." Rendell says
"You sure, you might wanna reconsider that" Sam says shooting Nina in the leg.
"Tell me everything I need to know about key house" Sam demands
"Whatever you think you understand about that place you don't." Rendell says
"Dad!, Dad!" Tyler says pounding the door
Sam turns to look at him while Rendell attempts to grab the gun.
But sam shoots Rendell before he could take it off him.
Tyler try's to knock the door down and just as sam moves towards Rendell a small crying face is seen at the basement door. Evelyn. She runs to the front door trying to let Tyler in but can't open it because she was too small, she runs to go find Kinsey and Kinsey pull her under a table with her and bode.
...End of Flash back...
...Later that evening...

Bode and Evelyn were walking around and taking pictures. They came across the well house it was locked but they were both small and skinny enough to fit through the bars.
"Bode, I don't like this I'm scared" Evelyn whispers as they walk toward the well.
"It'll be fine, you've got me." Bode whispers back.
He goes over the the well and takes a picture down it.But drops it down the well.
"Bode?" Evelyn asks
As bode walks towards we're the picture is newly placed.
Bode goes to the edge of the well
"Hello?hello, are you my echo?" Bode asks
"Yes, I am bode, hello evelyn" the voice says
"Ahh" the both scream and run out the well house and into key house.

...Literally 5 minutes Later...

Duncan and Nina are in the winter study talking when Tyler bursts in.
"Listen, bode and evelyn are freaking out, they said there's a girl in the well house." Tyler says
They all walk out to the broken old well.
"Okay sweetheart let's check it out, do you have the key?" Nina asks Duncan
"It's been lost for years" Duncan says
"Nobody's in there" Tyler says
"We heard a voice, I swear." Bode says
"It could of been an echo" Kinsey suggests
"Yeah that's what she said, she said she was my echo." Bode says
Duncan awkwardly laughs
"Listen up bud that is not a safe place to play the roof could fall in at any minute" Nina says
"It's full of bats and tetanus, if you go near it again I'll beat your asses" Tyler says
"We know what we heard!" Evelyn says stomping her foot and crossing her arms
"We're not lying there's a girl in there!" Bode says
"It's been a long day, we're all tired, let's call it a night." Nina says
"That's fine we'll just go in it when your at school tomorrow" Evelyn says pointing at Tyler and Kinsey
"Did you not here the part where I said I'd beat your ass if you go in there" Tyler says
"You wouldn't know, you wouldn't be there" Evelyn says.
"Don't be a wise ass" Tyler says
"Stop! Stop fighting it's late everybody need to go to bed" Nina says
Making everybody leave the creepy well house gate and into key house.

...While everybody was asleep...

Evelyn could not sleep, knowing she would have another nightmare yet again of her fathers death so she went to the one sibling she knew she could trust with her secret, she went to bode.
"Bode?" She asked
"Yeah?" He whispers
"Can I sleep with you, tonight?" She asks
"Of course, I'm sorry I made you go into the well house with me" he says
"You didn't make me I chose to go because I trust you" she says
And they fall asleep together hugging no nightmares between either of them.
2nd chapter done 3rd will come out later this week.

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