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*:・゚✧*:・゚ 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 Bσɾα *:・゚✧*:・゚

So here we go─────°•.☘︎.•°──

"You should really just leave it." the eldest declared with a sigh walking ahead of a very grumpy and annoyed male. 

"But Jin hyung-" the latter started but was roughly cut by his Jin hyung.

"It's been what? six months since you came here and all you have been doing is just fighting with him. That's also for the most immature reason to ever exist." the culinary art major said.

"Your mom gave you under my wings to take care of you properly in the University and you are not helping at all." Seokjin's voice didn't sound at all pleased. 

"Jungkook you are a college student now. Not a kid anymore." he sighed looking at Jungkook, whose lips bent downwards in a frown.

"Hyung you are my cousin. You are supposed to be on my side." Jungkook said crossing his arm, looking at his elder cousin. With the small pout adorning his lips, Seokjin couldn't help but melt at the younger's behavior.

"I am not choosing side pabo-ya! I just love you both and I want you both to be friends." he replied. 

"Friends? Are you kidding me? With that asshole-" another glare from Jin stopped the younger to finish his sentence.

 Seokjin shook his head pushing the cafeteria door, with a sulking Jungkook entering behind. They went straight to their usual table where five other students were sitting. 

"Yo! Kook eat this." a guy who illuminated the rays of sun jumped up, pushing a plate of spaghetti towards the raven head. He was a dance major in his senior year. 

"Thanks, Hobi hyung." Jungkook sat down smiling brightly as he shoved a mouthful of spaghetti as some sauce spilled onto his chin.

"Ghosh what are you doing?" the cute guy looking like a mochi sitting beside Jungkook took out a tissue to wipe his chin. He was in junior year as a dance major.

"Thanks, shorty." the reply from Jungkook ended in a smack.

"It's Jimin hyung for you, you idiot, and remember I was born in Busan first." the guy, named Jimin said. 

"But I grew up and you didn't." and it ended up with another smack at the back of Jungkook's head while the table erupted into laughter. 

"Ah, Namjoon hyung! Can you help me with my article?" the younger said gulping down another mouthful as the said male looked at him. 

"Sure. Come to my dorm today." the guy, who was in his senior ear of literature major, gave his dimpled smile. 

"But no taking pictures of my thigh." Namjoon added further. 

"Hyung you don't understand how picturesque your thighs are!" Jungkook laughed at his own joke as Namjoon shook his head. 

Suddenly a guy, a little shorter yet a scary look on his face jogged towards the table and sat at an empty chair. He was wearing basketball shorts, a bandana holding his hair back.

"Jungkook you again missed the practice today." he said as soon as he sat down. 

"Oh shit! Sorry, Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook quickly apologized, trying his best to put a cute little pout with Bambi eyes. The guy named Yoongi sighed but then gave a rare smile, ruffling the other's jet black hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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