The Launch

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  T̸̙͎͇͇̆h̴̫̥͆̀̈̍̕é̶̢̙̲̫͎̮̝͈ ̶̼͉̬̥̰̣̪̳̽ͅL̷̢̝̫̼̰͚͊̀̇͜ȧ̶̢͇̝̦͙̺͕̜̐̌͑͋́̇̚͘ư̵̭͉̗̆̌̇͛͝͠n̶̠̘͕̻̫̣̓͗͆͊̕c̴̣̎̊̊̽̕h̸̛̼̿̆̌̈́͂͌̌

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  T̸̙͎͇͇̆h̴̫̥͆̀̈̍̕é̶̢̙̲̫͎̮̝͈ ̶̼͉̬̥̰̣̪̳̽ͅL̷̢̝̫̼̰͚͊̀̇͜ȧ̶̢͇̝̦͙̺͕̜̐̌͑͋́̇̚͘ư̵̭͉̗̆̌̇͛͝͠n̶̠̘͕̻̫̣̓͗͆͊̕c̴̣̎̊̊̽̕h̸̛̼̿̆̌̈́͂͌̌

  6 Hours before Launch

My mind is a mess, all I can concentrate on Octavia’s breathing. There’s a creepy , cold feeling ,like something’s happening , I can feel it around me, the air seems too dense , it seems strange.

I was pulled from my thoughts by the opening of the door, it was a surprise that he finally came to meet me. I can’t exactly remember how many days it is since I’m being a prisoner and I know he’s on my council , but shouldn’t be my father first ,maybe I miss the old him ,before he joined the council .
Father came to meet me on a weekly basis ,the perks of being on council,it was some happy moments ,but it’s been a month since he came to meet me.

“Orion,I’m sorry it took me so long but I was  trying to help” Kane said , it was always the same , he thinking he’s helping me , but maybe I just wanted him to come meet me , I didn’t need him to save me , maybe just tell me the stories again which he happily recited to me when I was kid .

“I know , dad” , I tried to ask him , but I was interrupted by he giving me a bone crushing hug and then I felt something warm , he was crying , it’s still two month for my 18 birthday or we can say my execution . I hugged him back and I tried to console him, but he spoke something I couldn’t understand .he repeated it again , at a slower pace and then I understood him and the words keep bouncing in my mind , struck like a limbo.

“You are going to Earth” , my mind was still wrapping around what he saying , he was talking too fast, like he wasn’t meant to be here . I caught some words from his speech.

“Earth, 100 kids, something about ark he can’t tell, how much he loves me , be safe ,I’m proud of you” , then he said Octavia's name and it seemed like light bloomed in my brain , everything synced within myself and I listened what he was saying , not for a single moment his hands left my body, wrapping me like a mother’s warmth , I can fell the fear he was feeling , his only son, a prisoner of ark and now being sent to earth . 
His words now registering in my mind, Octavia will be seated beside you only , she keeps you safe,she keeps me sane -I thought to myself, he stopped saying and then gently placed a kiss on my forehead , it was goodbye , I don’t wanna let go of him .

That’s when I broke , my tears rushing out , “I don’t wanna leave you ,dad please , I’m scared” I chocked out , “I know ,son, I don’t wanna leave you , but it was the only way to save you , it was Abby's plan and I was against it but then stuff happened and it’s the only way I see to save you ,so you can live a life and fall in love , and be the man I would be proud of" he said.
The realization hit me like an asteroid , I asked him “what about grandma , I wanna meet her” , I didn’t think I would be able to see her again, but dad’s words said something else , “I can arrange that ,she will be here soon , but promise me , you can’t tell her about the earth thing ,please Orion, you can’t”
“i promise”  and then he started to pull away from myself and we were separate again , the warmth left my body in a second and it seems like I was getting wrapped in blankets of ice .

“Orion Kane, I'm so proud of you and I love you so much and I know your mom will be proud of you , may we meet again “ he said and the door closed again and he was gone.

”May we meet again , I love you too dad”.

* * * * * *

3 hours before Launch

I was still trying to wrap my mind around me being going to earth, wait, is earth even survivable ?

It's been ninety-seven years since a nuclear apocalypse killed everyone on Earth, leaving the planet simmering in radiation. Is it safe now? Dad said it’s the only way for me to live.

Before my mind can think more , the sound of unlocking of the door pulled me out , and there were the two guards ,I have seen them before, of course, Orion ,dad will send his own guards and then come the voice and it seemed like I moved on my own , in a moment I was hugging my maa , she was crying I could fell my shirt getting wet .

"U look so thin, Orion, are they even feeding you?" She asked me and before I could reply ,the guards closed the door , not before saying ," you have 10 minutes hurry up". I wished they haven’t said that , the look on maa’s face was enough to tell she knew it was goodbye, “you still have two months and your dad , I hasn’t seem him like this , he’s the like the same Kane  he was when your mother died”

I really wanted to saw something but all I wanted to feel her warmth and embrace it for one last time and 10 minutes were like that , the guards have to pull me away from her , which resulted in maa shouting over them , which definitely bought Octavia’s attention to my cell .

Maa left the cell not without saying "I love u ,Orion , more than I loved Kane”, “I love you too, may we meet again” I replied back and then she was gone and it was all cold .

Soon, I could hear O, asking me what was all that fuss, I just tried to dodge her questions, maybe being a child of council gives you special privilege , cause if Bellamy was allowed to come here , I’m damn sure he would have tried to come with an escape plan. And I was feeling the pain again , I wouldn’t be able to say goodbye to bell ,O, won’t be able to say goodbye. All the thoughts plagued my mind like demons and I didn’t knew when did I fell asleep

* * * * * *

A/N: This is 1k words and I'm so happy with it, we will soon see bell too, or maybe I can add bell background chapter on how he felt when the two people he will die for gets arrested to be executed.

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