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The camp has been in chaos after the recent bombing on the bridge , even though it was the sky people who did that but the current rumour of one of the trio fraternizing with enemy doesn’t help it too .

“atleast they don’t know about that it was Orion who took the shot” Niko smirked at his siblings, the dark mood covering the faces of the other two.

“Becaa, bring up the footage from the recent event named ‘bombing of the bridge’ section heda convent” screens appeared in the room ,the stone walls now plasma screen ,Ira waited till the AI spoke again “video running” .

The tension in the room was really something else , face roughly covered by the mask but the retina scan clearly indicating it was none other than Orion, gun in his hand and then the shock wave removing the piece of clothing from his face , if anyone doubted the AI, now they won’t .

“Becaa,delete the recent recording , code Ares” Ares ordered the AI but before it can comply , “now now brother how much evidence would you delete, Becca , Darling override code Ares”.

“Nico, now’s not the time to plays games” Ares raged at him ,”yes, brother not this time, if someone else saw that problems will arise” Ira sided with Ares , for they both were very aware about Nico and his games, the smartest of the trio has always been ahead of any enemy 10 steps , mountain men tried to raid them but thanks to Nico , they weren’t able to even enter the camp but now’s not the time as Ares stated before .

“fine, the only time I will lose when you two go your own as a duo , Becca , undo last request and continue with code Ares” Nico spoke with a glint in his eyes that things were still going like his plan.

“Well, atleast Heda knows how to use a gun” Nico joked but the grumble from the other two clearly told that his joke was as useless as he was minutes before , strange.

“My red eyes will keep an eye on heda and the protector and the girl , those three together is an advantage just like us” Ira told them before she left for her room.

“Becca, training room in 5”
“room in preparation, lord Ares” the robotic voice told him and then went silent .

Becca Franco,the super genius of her time ,blood camp is the child of her, seven layer underground building lined with the tech ahead of the current time, all controlled by the digital copy of her own mind, Becca Franco’s physical body may be dead but she still remain alive in this complex .

* * * * *

Orion left the camp early , hoping to talk with Ares but when there was no response and not even Damien appeared , his nerves were a wack now , time to flex heda power’s “your blood is mine and mine is yours” and just like that , there was someone bowing before him,well you all must think he was used to it but the child like squeal hinted to something else , “geez, you scared me” , the other body moved just raised their face to meet him , braided silk like hair , eye red, mask covering other feature , REDEYES, he moved little back ,trying to add some distance between them.

Ares warning clear in his mind , “red eyes ,they aren’t yet loyal to you ,so beware to them” .

“Orion Kane, I’m not here to hurt you, we must soon serve you” the voice was feminine, too prefect like the dialogue has been rehearsed but the main thing which gained his attention was the use of his name , the title was never spoke off.
He clearly debated for something to ask about Ares’s whereabouts but then he decided not to push his luck and started moving towards the camp , the other girl disappeared not before muttering a “yours blood is mine and mine is yours” and then he was back in his camp, laying on his bed and sleep came like a hunter and soon he was the prey.

~PROTECTOR~ Bellamy Blake  [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now