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"No temperature," Ducky announced, "I think it's a stomach virus" He told Agent Todd as she laid on one of the cream leather couches holding her head.

"I know it is," She sighed, defeated.

"Did you use that thermometer on cadavers?"

Ducky chuckled and put the thermometer away, "Would you rather I used the liver probe?"

Hearing the tail end of the tease Lauren smiled, she gently nudged Gibbs out of her way and crouched beside the Agent with a cool wet cloth for her forehead.

"Why are you so sure it was the flu?" Gibbs asked, folding his arms.

Agent nodded, sending Lauren a thankful smile and set the cloth on her forehead, "It's the same symptoms Major Kerry had."

"Did you work together recently?" Gibbs probed her.

Lauren rolled her eyes, he already knew the answer. She stood, wincing at the cracking of her knees and sent Gibbs a glare.

"No," Agent Todd answered.

"Well, if you didn't work with him, then how?..." Duckey trailed off before nodding to himself, "Ah."

Lauren pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, that complicated some things.

"Did you think I was a Virgin?" Agent Todd asked dryly.

Lauren snorted, patting the Agent's shoulder. "That information might be too much for these two to handle." The two women laughed as Ducky swiped at the blonde with a faux angry expression before leaving.

Once their giggles died down Agent Todd looked to Gibbs who just watched the two, "Are you going to lecture me about sleeping with people you work with?"


"Agent Todd, Agent Baer's on a secure line for you." The pilot announced over the tannoy.

Agent Todd blinked slowly before lifting herself up off her back, Lauren set her hand on the woman's shoulder as she swayed slightly.

"Want me to take that call for you?" Gibbs asked as the Agent paled quite suddenly.

Agent Todd glared at him and gave Lauren back the cloth, "I'd have to be dead." She told him bluntly before she left to take her call.

Oblivious | Leroy Jethro GibbsWhere stories live. Discover now