9. Surf's up

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Well that was something strange

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Well that was something strange.
Jurian was being nice and not a complete dick and we even joked around. What is happening?
These thoughts have been wandering around in my head until I fell asleep.

I had the same nightmare again. I was walking the road again. The car. The lights. Everything was back.

I woke up soaking in my own sweat. It's 2 am, but I don't think I can go back to sleep again so I decide to go downstairs for a while and calm down.

I walk down the hallway and I hear screaming. Without thinking I follow the sound.

I keep walking until I stop infront of a door. Jurian. Before I realise what I am doing, I run into his room.

He is full of sweat, heavily breathing and screaming. I try to wake him up and pull him in a hug.

I feel his strong arms around me, while his breathing becomes more relaxed.

"Vic." He sighs.
"It's okay, it was just a dream." I whisper. "Go back to sleep." I let go of him and I stand up to leave his room when I think he is asleep.

"Please keep this between us." He whispers.

"I will."

 A few hours later and I wake up, getting dressed and go downstairs. My daily morning routine.

The common room is empty as always. So I take my usual spot at the fire.

Time passes as more and more people enter the room, most of them talking about the trip to town.

"Yo, Vic!" I turn around to see Elijah. "This might interest you." Now he made me curious.


"This little town is at the beach and it is a great spot for surfing. I remember you told me you like it. We are there the whole day. I just thought u might be interested." He shrugs

"That's amazing!" I almost yell, what makes people look up. "I don't have my own board though."

"Not a problem at all. You can rent them there."

At breakfast I told my friends about it and they were completely okay with me being, probably, the whole day gone surfing. They would come watch me sometimes.

I packed my things and went to the limousines that were parked outside our school.

When we arrived I went straight to the beach. There was indeed a surf club where I could rent my board and wetsuit, just like Elijah described.

Once in the water I feel so free. I see a good wave and get ready. The wave hits the back of my board, paddle three times, get up and I got him. It is a big one. I can easily do a tube. I feel the water around me. I get out of the tube, do an Ollie and I land.

The wave brings me back to the shore and I go sit down on my board, letting the wave continue under me.

"That was amazing! You just did a tube! Like how did you do that? You are so good!"

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