21. Lies

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We sneaked in the building and eliminated the guards in silence. Marco and Matteo took the roof, Cj and Lucas the groundfloor and I entered trough a window on the first floor.

When I opened the window, I got inside and killed the first demon. He didn't even see me coming. My father surely used his worst puppets to protect him. That's unlike him to do so...

I run trough the hallways and kill the demons I pass. Every angel would find them disgusting. But that's the thing. I fell. They are people who made mistakes. Most angels just think that they're worth more than these demons. But the angels aren't so pure anymore. They haven't been for a long time...

Screams from the ground floor pierce trough my ears but I ignore them as I continue my way. I reach the end of the hallway and I know that I'm supposed to be here. The door that I was never allowed to open.

I turn the knob and enter the dark room. The door closes behind me and I hear a Click. Shit. A trap. Why doesn't it even surprise me anymore?

"Please don't be so ridiculous and show yourself father." I say trough gritted teeth.

"Nice to see you again son or should I say 'Your Majesty'." He says as the lights flicker on. I look around me and take in the room before me. It's large like a ballroom with a lot of mirrors. 

"You know, your mother used to love this room. She came here everyday right before she passed. It was... tragic." He smiles at me. The bastard is smilling.

"You killed her!" 

"She was a good women. One of the only angels with a pure heart. A pure angel heart... You know that that is very good for a certain spell. With a pure angel heart, a group of 7 innocents and the power of a Faerahal can create a very large demonic army..."

"You're crazy Damien. You became sick of the power and that's why they detroned you. That's why I'm one of the kings now." I say, making sure to stand my ground.

"Yes, but why is the Silver City looking for you if you love your crown so much? What would they do if they heard the Lost King turned dark. What would they do if they heard their precious Silver Heart is just like his father? What if they heard you're preparing to take down the other three crowns to take the power yourself and destroy the City."

"I'm in no way like you and I'm not planning on destroying the city. I will save it."

"We know that these are your real intentions, but they think otherwise. That's why I helped them a bit finding the fourth crown."

I can't take it anymore. The lies... I force myself forward and before I know it I thrust my knife in Damien's heart. He chokes and sputters blood as he tries to say his next words.

"You really did it. I never thought you were capable of killing  your own father. I guess we are more the same than you dare to admit. we both killed family...But they are here. You're too late."

With that his body sinks on the ground before turing into ashes.

I look around the ballroom to find a way out. Guess the only way is trough some window.

The screams have stopped and I enter the building trough another window on the groundfloor

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The screams have stopped and I enter the building trough another window on the groundfloor. Where are the others?

I run trough the maze that this mansion is to find my friends standing side by side. Lucas is the first one to see me.

"Jur! Are you okay?" he asks, worried.

"He's dead. It's over." We all smile at eachother as we celebrate our victory for a moment. Vic. she's still outside.

We move towards the door when suddenly four guarded men enter the room.

"Jurian Lorenzo Silver. You're under arrest for treason. You have the right to remain silent." The first crown guard says. I recognise him. His name is Andreas. Once a friend of mine.

The others look at me stunned. Silver is the last name given to every Crowned One.

"I'm not guilty Andreas. You know me." I plead, looking in my old best friend's eyes.

He sighs: "You know that I'm just doing my job Jur. They will kill me if I let you go."

I look at the others before letting Andreas chain me. I see their confused looks. Cj looks bewildred and Matteo defeated. His twin brother has his focus on Andreas all the time. I look one last time at Lucas, pleading him to keep Victoria out of this mess. He gives me a reassuring nod before Andreas pushes me towards the door with a firm grip. I close my eyes for a second to breathe and stay calm.

"What's going on?"

I turn my head towards the sound of the voice. Fuck. She shouldn't be in here. 

Victoria is leaning casually against the doorway as she scans the room. 

"What's happening Jur?" I sigh as she says my name. I don't want to explain it all now. She wouldn't understand yet. She doesn't understand how our world works yet.

"Who is that Your Majesty?" Andreas asks me and I glare at him for using my title.

"No one important. Cj, Lucas, go back to the school and take her with you. Keep her there. One day, I'll explain everything, but now you've got to trust me." I look towards them as they nod. Then I turn my gaze towards Andreas. "I'll come with you." I add, hissing under my breath. "But I need a favor from you." Andreas nods and I'm a bit more relieved.

The Crown guards take me out of the room and as I pass Vic, I don't look at her. Once outside, the guards take off and fly me up towards the City. 

Suddenly a bubble forms around my head and I know immediately what is happening.

"I made a sound proof bubble Jur. What favor do you need?" Andreas asks me.

"The girl from earlier. She's the Faerahal." I sigh. I trust Andreas with my life. He has sworn to protect me and an oath like that can't be broken. He would fall immediately. "I'm protecting her from the other kings. They will use her for their own power, Andreas."

"That's impossible Jur!" He exclaims.

"You felt it, my friend. She is. And I can make the story even better. She's my mate." I sigh.

"She can't become a queen. She isn't angelic like us. She's too strong. Does she know her power yet?"

"She knows some basic, but she hasen't gotten her wings to come out yet. We were training her until dearest Damien decided to be a bitch." I laugh and Andreas smirks.

"Is damien death?" He asks and I nod in silence.

"Please don't inform the court. They will kill her." 

"I won't"

And as he says these last words, the silver City appears infront of us. Guess I'm back home.

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