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Kaitlyn Rosalia Hart has always been known as a compassionate, forgiving and understanding person.

Growing up at an orphanage, without ever knowing the comfort of family, Kaitlyn left the shelter as soon as she turned 16. She found herself in the small town of Mystic Falls, where she found everything she had ever wanted with her life, and maybe a little more as well.

Due to her outstanding merits, she was granted full-time scholarship at the Mystic Falls High School, under the recommendation of Mrs Lockwood.

That's how she came to know Tyler Lockwood and his friends. Very soon, she was a significant part of the infamous Scooby Gang.

Her life was better than she had ever imagined it could've been. But things never stay good for too long.
She soon found herself getting plunged into the supernatural world, fighting one villain after the other. Losing people that she considered family and constantly living on the edge, she matured way earlier than one of her age would.

In 2011, she finds herself and her friends battling against The Originals, the first vampires to have ever existed. Along the way, she caught the eye of a certain hybrid.

They both felt this unexplainable pull towards each other, that no matter how hard they both tried to resist, they just couldn't seem to stay away from each other.

After endless highs and lows, the hybrid finally asks her to be his forever love. The year that they shared with each other was inarguably the best parts of both their lives. However, fate seemed to have other plans.

Due to her boyfriend constantly threatening her friends and pushing her away whenever she tried to be there for his emotional moments due to his own paranoia and abandonment issues, she decides to fall it quits, even though it completely breaks her heart to do so.

Two days after the breakup, she was an absolute wreck and found herself outside the Mikaleson mansion, herself not knowing why she was there in the first place or what awaited her inside.
As soon as she steps into the mansion, she found herself hoping she hadn't. She found herself wanting to forget everything she had witnessed in the last few minutes.

She had found her ex-boyfriend, her soulmate being intimate with someone she considered a friend- Hayley Marshall.
Even though all her friends hated Hayley,  Kaitlyn had been nice and accepting to her.

Although she knew she had no right to feel this way, she was absolutely shattered by what she had seen. She knew she was the one who called it quits but she hadn't expected her soulmate to move on from her so soon, while she spent her days as a wreck, he had already found someone else to love (not knowing that her ex-boyfriend had actually gotten into such a situation only because he couldn't forget his soulmate and just wanted a way to drown his regrets into drinks and a no-strings attached one-night stand)

Except there were strings attached. The girl was pregnant with his kid. His firstborn. His daughter. His redemption.
So without any notice, he left Mystic Falls with his family. Leaving behind his one true love. He knew he would regret this decision but he couldn't bring himself to break the news to her, so he chose the easier way out. He walked out of her life, without even a second glance back, without saying goodbye.

That's how Kaitlyn found herself alone. Not only had her soulmate left town without a goodbye, but so did all his family. The family she had started to consider her own, the people that had become significant parts of her life- all gone without a goodbye.

Kaitlyn didn't even find a second to catch her breath from her heartbreak as she and her friends found themselves battling against a greater evil- Silas.

𝒀𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒅𝒂𝒚, 𝑻𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒚, 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓♡︎ //𝐊𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now