31| 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑯𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝑰𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆

933 19 5

3rd Person POV
Salvatore Crypt, Mystic Falls Forest

After the others have left, Kaitlyn walks into the Salvatore crypt and settles down on a stone bench around a corner, fiddling with her fingers before sighing loudly and bringing out a letter from her dress' pocket.

"To my love, mi sol, my everything-
Kaitlyn Rosalia Hart,

I do not know where to start with this letter. Let me begin by telling you how ashamed I am of disappearing the way I have, yet again. Except this time, I would give anything to be by your side instead. But I can't. And so I leave you with this letter, this burden of a truth that cannot provide you with the peace and happiness you deserve. Believe it or not, I did not leave Mystic Falls with the intention of not going back. That day, when I told you I'd come back to you, I meant it. And I meant every word before it. I meant every word from that night I asked you to marry me. Trust me, that is all I've ever wanted- to marry you, to be your husband and to love you as I should've all those years ago. But it seems fate has other plans yet again. And yet again, I do not have an explanation to offer to you.

Knowing you, you probably won't acknowledge the letter until your girls are safe. And now that you're reading it, I hope they are safe and all went well. I hope everyone's alright now. If so, I know what the others might be telling you now. They are probably pointing out all the reasons why you shouldn't have trusted me again, let me in so easily when I let you down again. But love, you know me like no one else ever will, and you know how true my love for you is. There is nothing in the world I wouldn't do to be with you right now, by your side, making memories as a family. Along with your kids, our beautiful daughter and all your friends. But our fate has never been easy. This time, however, I am not going to give up on us.

I wish I could tell you where am I and why I am away but my hands are tied. Just know, I am doing what I have to- to keep you safe, to keep our daughter safe. I can't put to words how difficult it is for me to write this letter now, imaging your face when Elijah tells you I am not coming back. I left Elijah a letter too. He will look over you and Hope while I cannot. Again, I wish I could tell you why I am away. Just know, it is best for you and the others to not try to unveil this as of now. The more people know, the worse the threat will likely get.

All I ask of you is to not lose faith in me. Like all the other times, all these years when no one has believed in me, you always have. My love, I ask you to do that one last time. I promise, when I return, I will give you the explanation you deserve. I promise that I will also give you all the love you deserve and more...and this time when I come back, I'm never leaving your side. We will be together, Always and Forever and Till Forever Falls Apart. Goodbye doesn't have to mean forever. You are still the light in my darkness, your smile still warms the coldest parts of my heart and it is you I love with all of me. We will be together again. This is my promise to you that I hope you will hold onto.

Forever Yours,

To Kaitlyn, the letter didn't say much. It had the same lines over and over again. It was sincere but it didn't give away much. It didn't tell her why he left, when he was coming back and what he was upto now. It seemed unsure and it seemed anxious. But she knew her soulmate well enough to know it was sincere. She immediately felt bad for claiming he had let his paranoia get to the best of him. She shouldn't have assumed the worst. But she also didn't know what to tell the others when she, herself, didn't know what to make of this letter. It was clear that there was a threat and it must be serious enough to keep him away from his family. But if the threat was so big, why didn't he just come back? They could've worked together on this, with more hands on deck. Surely, the Scooby Gang and the rest of the Mikaelsons would've agreed to help. Then why did he ask her to not scoop around? What did he mean by 'The more people know, the worse the threat will likely get'? Kaitlyn's mind was a mess with thousand questions swirling around her head.

𝒀𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒅𝒂𝒚, 𝑻𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒚, 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓♡︎ //𝐊𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now