I Do It With My Boots On.

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"Damn It Blake!" I Sighed as my dog Blake ran up to me coverd in mud."Who the hell let you out of the house?" I asked knowing i wouldn't get a reply and looking around the new holler my Dad moved me to. I'm Taylor Williams,Me and my Dad just moved from North Carolina to the hell hole that is West Virginia.Its loud,smelly,and don't even get me started on the people! "DADDY! Did you let Blake out of the house?" I yelled/asked as i walked around back to see him talking to a bunch of teenagers."No sweetheart i didn't,Maybe you did on your way out?" He asked rolling his eyes."No i know better then that! Now he's all muddy and nasty! I am not giving him a bath!" I said putting my foot down. "Well maybe our new farm hands will for us sweetie" He said looking back at the teenagers. Wait...Whats farm hands???

Turns out "farm hands" Is a bunch of teenagers helping around the farm and Daddy paying them,Right now i was watching as the two girls gave Blake a bath...in there swim suits.. Do people around here have any class? I mean i'm standing here in my holy jeans,Old ford tee shirt,And my boots.I never go anywhere without my boots."Are ya'll not cold?"I asked in a snotty tone,The red head looked up at me like i was a dumb ass."Not really" She replyed and rolled her eyes,I could not do this! So i turned around and walked into the house. If these people was gonna help and since they was washing Blake i should be nice to them.So i started to make them some sweet tea.

It was about dark when i walked out to ask if anyone was hungry,I mean they should be and since i just cook anough for the whole holler theres sure anough to go around."Hey Ya'll Hungry?" I asked as i walked up to the group who was standing with my Daddy around a fire."Hell yea we are" Laughed a cute brown haird blue eyed boy wearing no shirt,Holy jeans and boots. "Well ya'll come eat then!" I said and started walking back to the house. As i was walking i could hear the red head girl say to the other "we shouldn't eat it,She could have spit in it" And then giggle.By the time we all got seated around the kitchen table and was eating it was about 9:30 at night,"So boys why don't ya'll tell my Daughter all about yourselfs?" My dad was at it again,he was not a match maker and he needed to stop trying...i could get my own damn boy! "Well i'm Brian i like to fish,hunt,mud,and to chase pretty girls like you" One with blonde hair said winking at me."I'm Harrison i'll take you for a ride on my fourwheeler sometime" The cute one from earlyer said making me smile. "And i'm Shain! But you can call me Baby" The one sitting next to my Dad laughed "I'll think about it Shain" I laughed.

"Well i'll be seeing you kids tomorrow first thing in the morning" Dad said as he walked them out,I was standing at the sink washing dishes." Daddy why in the hell do we need farm hands?" I asked sighing,"Well im not as young as i used to be,And i cant lift much after i had my back worked on" He replyed with a sad smile,"I can do it then! We do NOT need farm hands!" i snapped at him,"Sweetie you know damn well you cant do what i need done around here" He sighed again "Well maybe if you didnt baby me!" I snapped again. He stood up "You know damn good and well your momma would roll over in her grave if i let something happen to you!" He said and walked away,That was his thing for everything! bringing mom up.Yea i know mom would roll over in her grave,but hell she probly already has! I put the last of the dishes up and walked up into my new bedroom,it was small and cozy painted a light pink,my white bed i've had since i was young was near the window that had a nice window seat with all my books stacked on it,But my fav thing about this room was if i go out my window i can sit on the roof.I pulled on my Pj's and slid into bed. Maybe tomorrow i can find something to get into around here.

I woke up at about 9:30am to the soud of what seemed like a shotgun,I looked out my window to see my dad and the boys shooting at something,Just what i needed someone to get my dad into trouble.As i walked out the door about a hour later i sighed to see the poor trashcan they must have been shooting at."Um what the hell was that all about?" I yelled over to the grinning boys,"Oh you know just raising hell" Brian laughed,I smiled "You still up for that ride?" i asked smirking. "Oh you know it babydoll" He said smirking back "Daddy! i'm stealing brian for a bit" I said giggling,"Ya'll have fun,Keep her safe!" He said in his Dad tone,"Yes sir" Brian said and grabbed my hand pulling me off.

We walked down the road to a older looking house with a 4wheeler parked outside,"You gonna let me drive?" i asked smiling "Hell no! I want to live!" He laughed as i slid on the back,he hopped on and started it up and took off,I let out a scream and wraped my arms around him tight as he laughed at me."I didn't scare you did i?" he asked over the wind.I just held on tighter.It was dark when we got home and we we're both coverd in mud."I look like a pig" i laughed as we walked in to see the red head cooking she laughed and mumbles something about yea you sure do,I ran up stairs and washed off then changed.

While we was sitting down eating i figgerd i should figger out the redheads name so i turned to her "Hunny i never did catch your name" I said in the sweetist way i could "I'm Cara and thats Hannah" She replyed pointing to the blondie,"I'm Taylor in case you didn't catch mine","How could i not? Your all your Dad talkes about" She said giggling.I looked at Dad with a what did you tell them look. I Said my goodnight about a hour later and walked to my room climing out onto the roof and leaned back where i was laying down,Maybe i wont hate it here as much as i thought.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay thanks for reading you guys! this is my first story :) and i'm happy with how its turning out.

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Taylors outfit from day 1 http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=69200644

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