chapter: 3

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When we woke up in the morning we quickly ate breakfast. Then went down to where the show was going to be held, all of the other guys where there. Matt and cam introduced us to all of the other guys. Then we waited until the show started. I was having lots of fun laughing dancing and everything. Then someone grabbed me I couldn't see anything cause they covered my eyes with there hand.

When who ever it was finally let go. I realized that it was my ex boy friend sammy. Sammy is so upsessed with me he's been stalking me ever since I broke up with him a year ago. Sammy looked at me then started to kiss me I pushed him away but he just came back" stop sammy, s-stop sammy. Stop it now or I'm gonna scream" I said yelling at him. "We all know that's not going to stop me". He started to pull my shirt off but I a grabbed it and pulled it back down. "Stop it sammy please. Stooop" I said crying. "Jax you know how much I love you and you broke my heart when you broke up with me". He said pushing me up against a wall. I kept begging him to stop. But he wouldn't. The show was over and I heard Matthew asking where I was and he said that he was going to come look for me. So I screamed even louder so he could here where I was. "Hey! Sammy get off of her now". He yelled at sammy so loud. "Why should i . I love her" he said to Matthew still trying to kiss me. "Stop sammy please!" I yelled at him. Matthew then came up behinds him ripped him off of me and I ran into Matthew's arms. "Thank you so much Matt. You know how I was telling you about that crazy stalker boyfriend. Well that was him" I said to him still wrapped in is arms. "Its ok Jackie he won't do that ever again if you stay with me". He said to me as I'm still wrapped in his arms. "I need to do something first". I walked up to sammy and slapped him across the face. Unexpectedly he punched me in the stomach. I clenched where he hit me then he walked away but if anyone nows me they know that I won't put up with that. So I ran up behind him and jumped on his back he fell to the ground. We where fighting then I heard Matt say "wow, wow, slow down missy" he grabbed me by the waighst and heaved me on to his shoulder. "Gezz jax what are you doing, it was kind of cute, your wild, a wild tiger" he said laughing. "If anyone knows me I fight back, haha, but my stomach kinda of hurts where he punched me". I said kind of whinny. "Once we get back to the room I'll look at it" he said sounding very sympathetic. "Ok, you know you can put me down now?" I said trying to sound convincing cause I don't want him to but me down. "I know but I don't want to".

When we got back to the room camron, Carter, Jack.G, Blair, Taylor and Izzy looked at us funny. "What's going on with you too?" Asked Carter. "Well she got in to a fight with her ex boyfriend Sammy". Said Matt. "What Sammy's here!!" Asked Izzy. "Yeah I guess he stalked me here as he does every where, he was trying to make out with me again, Matt got him off me but I just needed to slap him after I slapped him he punched me and you know that I don't put up with that so I jumped on top of him he fell we started to fight and you can see the rest". I said with Matt still holding me. "Ooooh fisty lady" said Cameron. And everyone laughed. Matt finally dropped me on the bed. "Can I see where he punched you?" He asked me sounding concerned "Ok". I lifted my shirt and it was purple where he punched me. "God damn it Sammy. Why do you do this to almost every girl you meet?" He grabbed some ice and put it on the spot that hurt. "Well that hurts, but I'm sure I'll get uses to it, so how was the rest of the show Izzy, since sammy totally ruined it for me?" I asked so we could make conversation" it was really good I wish sammy didn't stalk us here". Izzy told me so that it would seem that she noticed me gone, but I know she didn't cause she couldn't get her eyes off of cam. So we all talk for a little while. Then we all decided to go to a movie we all wanted to see insurgent so we started getting ready.

While Izzy and I got ready in the bathroom, we where talking about how much fun we where having. "Can I tell you something Jackie?" She asked sounding unsure. " yeah, of coarse you can" I said really eagerly. "Ok, Cameron and I are a couple now" she said nervously. "Really, wow, Matt and I kissed at the pond , but I'm not sure if we are dating". I said cautiously. "Well I think he likes you and he obviously cares for you". She said trying to get my hopes up.

When we got to the theater we got out tickets and got to our seats. Matt and I wanted to sit at the back,cam and Izzy wanted to sit at the second from the back and everyone else sat at the very front. While we where waiting for the movie to start Matt and I where talking. "Jackie can I ask you a question". He said with his voice shakeing. "Yeah, what's up?" I asked him unsure of what he was gonna ask. "Umm, I'm just going to come out and say it,do you want to go on at date with me?" He asked looking deep into my eyes. " Yeah, I do, I really do". I said smiling at him. "Ok good I thought you where going to say no, anyway, let's call this a date cause we are alone" he said smiling back at me. " why would I say no to you, yeah this is perfect" so I leaned into him and he wrapped his arm around me. The movie came on and we both jumped a few times.

Once the movie was over we all decided to go out for super. We ate at some kind of Chine's place.

When we where done we all split apart and went and did stuff on our own. Izzy and camron when roller skating. Taylor, Carter, Jack. G and Blair went to boomers and Matt and I went to the Holly Wood sign. When we got there it was dark but there was lights so we could see we sat on a huge ledge. After a while it got really cold so Matt gave me his jacket. "You don't have to now your gonna get cold" I said while shivering. "No its fine I won't get cold" he said trying not to make me feel guilty. We stayed there for a while and ran around chasing each other. We left after a good 3 hours. When we got to the room Cameron and Izzy where already there and they where sleeping so we when it to the bed we slept in last night and  started falling asleep. "Jackie, tomorrow do you want to go do something fun?"he asked me shakeing me to make sure I was awake. "Yeah we will decide in the morning ok" "ok"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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