New Friends

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I wore a pair of black leggings and a white t shirt and some vans. I ditched my jacket cause it was sunny. When I went back to my room I saw Maggie on bed going through her Instagram.

"So cous where are we going" I asked while applying some perfume. Call me weird but I don't really go out without my perfume. I sweat a lot so....

"I was thinking to hit mall today to get some sexy underwear plus we can have food at this diner which I totally love" she said while posing like a model.
"Perfecto, let's goo" I dragged her into the car.

Maggie started driving "not judging or anything but I saw that your wardrobe is filled with black and white. What's with that" she said

"I love black and I have other colours too" I faked hurtful voice.

"Ok ok, here we are" she said while parking the car.

This mall was huge. It was Saturday so it was filled with teens and families .we first went to the lingerie store and Maggie did her shopping. She threw some red underwear at me asking to try but I firmly said no and ran out of that store. After buying some stuff we were wandering around.

"Hey mags" a voice came from behind us. We turned around to see a guy waving his hand to us.

"Hey mark" Maggie said back while dragging me to him. They both started kissing, ok so this is her boyfriend.
I cleared my throat.

"Cous this is Mark, my boyfriend" she said while blushing

"I already predicted that" I said while smirking

"And Mark this is my cousin Tanis" she said
"Hey Tanis nice to meet you" mark greeted

"Nice to meet you too" I said while shaking his hand

"What are you doing here babe I thought you were busy with boys today" Maggie asked Mark.

I love the way they sound.

"Yeah but few guys had other stuff so we cancelled our plans and me, Sven and James came here" mark explained.

"Hey why don't you join us, we are going to arcade and then bowling" he suggested.

"Works for me, what do you say cous" Maggie asked

"Let's go" I smiled

We walked to the gaming area and met the other guys.
"Hey mags" a guy with dark brown hair and dimples said "and who's this hottie" he made his way to me

"Thanks, I woke up like this" I said back while smirking.

"Ooh feisty. I like it" he said.

" James this is Tanis, my cousin" Maggie said

"Hot girl but why such dull name"James asked.

" Beautiful name but why such stupid guy" I said back

"Woah woah. Calm down tiger" James said
"Dudes then?" He asked while holding fist bump
"Dudes then" I gave him fist bump

"This is Sven, my buddy" James said while slinging his arm to the other guy.

Istg I have never seen such a hot guy.
Well except Ian Somerhalder. He's the hottest but this guy. He was wearing a black t shirt which was tight showing off his guns and a blue jeans. He's atleast 6 feet tall. I'm 5'5 but he can tower me. He had jet black hair and not too white but good skin tone and a killer jaw line.

"Hey" I said to him

Sven looked at me for a minute and nodded and looked back into his phone. I internally slapped myself, such a rude guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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