The sweet scent of evil

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It is the same old thing everyday in the fiery pits of hell. Boring meetings that seemed to drag for what seems like eternity, dreadful for me. Nothing new and refreshing was ever going to happen... until today.

While reading upon a list containing new humans I were to greet today in hell, a strong felling started to grow within me. An invisible wire located in my chest tells me I'm being summoned. Not only that, but a voice whispers in my ear that this will be the same as all the others. A deep sigh left my lips. Was this summoning going to be the same as others?With some poor fool looking for the quickest way to earn whatever they desire without actually working for it?

I hand the list to a nearby soldier and rise to my feet. A portal forms in front of me and I stepped forward. I teleported to the above world in the blink of an eye, half expecting to see some greasy, middle-aged man on his knees or an edgy teenager excited to see that dark arts have been successful. The scenery around me took me by surprise, it wasn't a teenagers room or an office. Instead, a living room filled with antiques and comforting vibes.

"I do hope you'll forgive me, but I know I do not have much longer on this Earth..." said a raspy but gentle voice coming from the couch before him. There sat a woman, in her late 80's to be exact, smiling ever so sweetly at him with warmth in her glossy eyes. "Come sit down for some tea. It's freshly made"

The king of Hell, in awe, slowly made his way around the coffee table to sit beside the lonely woman, no questions asked. There was no need. This a elderly woman wanted nothing but company. Someone toy spend her last moments with. From what he could see on all her old photos and antiques, there was nobody else to sit now with her."... I'll stay as long as you want, nobody should be alone on there deathbed." Whispered the devil in his evil yet calming voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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