Valfemortty jumeps inty thi potal!!!! Ten en eathcake hapens!!!!!!! Herri pooter heres shot meh wat u get!!!!!! Tere's a beg hed en the ski!!!!! Hearminy grainer graebs a gitar out of thi widards armery. Herri pooter!!!! Hearminy scemes. Weh ned lod speckers!!!! Okey! Herri pooter seys.
adio amous!!!!!! Herri pooter screams! Harryminy stats signing! SCHWIFTY!!!! IT'S TIM TOE GET SWCITCHY EN HERE!!! ETS TIM TOE GET SCHWIFTY EN HEAR!!! SCHWIFTYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!. Wye ded 10 heds aper????? Harrymining asbed. Harrymining luke at the TEE VEE!!!! Weh hev toe singe????? Herry dooter asbed.
6 hours ladder................... EATH ES UP NEW HARRYMINING!!!! Git dores udrige, sheys thi beast singeer en hoggwatts!!!!!!! Harrymining sees all of thi gud singeers ded en the eathcake, incuding dores udrige. Wat do we do new???? Herri looter sees. Wat, Privaace cate es steel alive! Herri looter gos toe git pravvvece cate. Pavrice cate singees nahaahanaha ets thi moterfricking c---a---t ppppraaaaavvvvveeeeeccccceee caaaateeeeeee. YOUR NOTE GUD EOUGH the hed sees. Herri pooter lens a now speel rght has hey sid that. PoTaLIoMuS PLaNETio. WTF herri pooter???? Hearmionyy sees. Were r weh? Harre pootter says we ar en thi Spahgettio galexy. Wat well hapen neexyt? Wat intil chapyer 4.
Herri pooter: Da trollgey
HorrorHerri pooter gos one a magcal advenntcture!!!! fined howt wut hapens!!!!