Chayper fore

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In de wrold were evrything is psahugettios... Herri pooter seys hey cane git mor portle jewce bey getteng 2 pluontium quarkes and 1 uranemu quaker. Hermiouny asskes, howl do we git dos wen everyhing is spahgettios???????? Herri seys, im gunna usef bofa. Hermiouny askes wats bofa??? BOFA DEEZ NUTES IN YO MOUF. Suddenleluy, herri pooter waks up in a wite rom, bak on plant earth. Herri pooter hade bean in a cooma four 2 years. Non of dis actually hapen, and herri pooter wennet to go meat herryminy grainer and ron wisily. Bak in chapyer toe, herri pooter got ko by voffymart ande went into deh cooma. Luccikly, hearminy and rone R steel a live afder de encounter. Dey plauyed supa smas broes ultimaet all knit, sea what happen in chapyer five

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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