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"Are you sure about this ?" Addison asked, pulling her zipper up.

Zed paused, looking away.

They had been to a quiet corner of the warehouse to get her changed in zombie coveralls so that she wouldn't stand out too much.

He sighed.

"I'm not sure of anything... But what else can we do ?"

She stared into his eyes. "Aren't you scared ?"

"Yes... But if we don't try... We'll never be free... To be us, to be together."

His lower lip was trembling.

"I'm done laying low."

She took his hand in hers.

"You're staying with me ?"

He nodded.

"Whatever it takes."

Addison couldn't believe they were doing this.

They were marching towards the Zombietown gate.

Holding up banners.


Chanting slogans.

"Freedom for zombies !"

Soon, they had to stop at the closed gate.

Addison looked at Zed.

"The others are here !"

Bucky and Bree and a lot of other people from high school were standing on the other side of the gate, yelling and chanting as well.

"There are so many of them !" She exclaimed.

Zed nodded.

There were more and more officers on both sides of the road. Addison pulled her hood up.

The lights of a press helicopter shone on Eliza as she was carried up on Bonzo's shoulders.

"You know, us zombies have a saying..."

Her voice was echoing through a megaphone over the noise.

"Laidigan darziga. In light is darkness."

Voices of approval rose among the zombie crowd.

"For something that's out of our control, they say we're monsters," she pointed toward the officers, "but everyday they have a choice to treat us like human beings, yet they don't !"

The crowd cheered.

"Everyday they get up and happily make our lives hell !"

More cheers.

"And when finally we have an ounce of equality, they take it away !"

Zed's grip on Addison's hand tightened.

"Who are they to say where we can go, what we can do, who we can be ?!"

She turned to him.

"So who's the monster now ?"

He was holding his head, a deep frown on his face.

"I've been waiting my whole life for change and I'm sick of waiting !"

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