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Sunday was already here

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Sunday was already here. Addison was in the living-room watching TV. Or at least, pretending to. She had been on her phone every minute of the day since she had come back from the hospital, awaiting news.

Her phone buzzed.

Zevon - 3:30 PM:

Good news. Zed's being released tomorrow, going back to school on Tuesday if everything goes well.

Addison - 3:30 PM:

Thank you ! I'm so SO relieved !!

How is he doing ?

Zevon - 3:33 PM:

Better ! There are effects to the new dosage but he should be fine, he just needs to adjust to it. He's been sleeping a lot, his body was exhausted.

Addison - 3:34 PM:

Is he awake now ? Can I talk to him ?

Zevon - 3:35 PM:

He was earlier but now he's asleep. But I'll tell him you've been asking about him.

I'm sorry, I have to go now.

Addison - 3:35 PM:

Thank you ! Bye !

She sighed and put her phone down, looking back at the TV. She felt a little cold all of a sudden and decided to go up to her room and get a sweater.

She pushed the door open and frowned at the sight. Piles of dark grey clothes on her bed. She shrugged it off and opened her closet.

She yelled. It was empty.

"MOM ?! DAD ?!"

"Yes ?" Her mother's voice called from downstairs.

"What happened to all my clothes ?!"


"Oh, that !" Her mother pointed at them. "Those are your new clothes."

"What ?"

Her father joined them.

"Oh, you saw your new wardrobe ?" he said.

"What is going on ?"

"Your father and I chose your punishment," her mother answered. "You're grounded until further notice. None of your normal clothes, no hanging out with your friends, you go back home straight after practice..."

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