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"Addison sweetie, get out of the car," her mother said in a honeyed voice.

"No, I won't !"

Her mother's face fell.

"Get out of the car, now."

"No, I wanna go back !"

Her parents looked at each other and her father grabbed her by the shoulders.

"No !"

She rolled onto the floor of the car. Her father let out an exasperated sigh and pulled her out. She put herself into a ball on the ground of the garage. To no avail.

"Addison," he groaned, "stop being so childish !"

He carried her inside the house despite all her protests.

"Did you really have to embarrass me like you did ?" he snapped at her.

She was sitting on the couch, her parents facing her.

"How so ?"

"With your behavior !"

"And what about yours ? That was so embarrassing and insensitive !"

"Careful how you speak to your father, young lady," her mother said in a biting tone.

Addison looked down to her lap.

"Anyways..." her mother went on, "we've decided with your father that you'll stay home for a few days."

"But what about my classes ? What about cheer practi–"

"Don't worry about it."

"From what happened today, some time away from school is just what you need," her father added.

"This is so unfair," she muttered.

"Yeah, well life isn't fair," her mother responded, "now go to your room."

Addison stood up and ran upstairs, making sure to slam the door on the way.

She grabbed clean clothes into her closet and went to her bathroom which was linked to her room. She locked the door behind her and checked her phone.

Zed - 5:30 PM:

Are you okay ?

Pls tell me you're safe

Zed - 6:13 PM:

Just got home

The zombie patrol came after you guys left

It was crazy

But I got home safely

She sighed in relief.

Addison - 6:15 PM:

I'm so glad you're safe ! I was so scared

And don't worry, I'm home and I'm safe

But I don't know when I'm coming back to school, my parents don't want me to go out for the next few days...

They make me SO ANGRY

Three dots.

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