𝙾𝚞𝚛 𝚅𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚠

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Allison Tanner woke up to her little sisters crawling into bed with her, the teenager chuckled before wrapping her arms around them.

"What's the matter girlies?" Allison asked

"We don't want Grandma to go." DJ told her big sister

"I know, I don't either. But Grandma has to go back home and take care of Grandpa. You wouldn't want Grandpa to get lonely would you?" Allison asked running her fingers through Stephanie's curly golden locks that matched her own

"Of course not!" Stephanie exclaimed with wide eyes making Allison chuckle

"Then Grandma has to go back, we'll be alright I promise. Why don't you guys go get dressed so we can say goodbye to Grandma." Allison suggested

"Ok, thanks Ally." Both girls said rushing out of her room

"Don't run! Michelle is still sleeping!" Allison said but was interrupted by crying making her sigh

Allison sighed and got up putting on her robe before making her way to her youngest sisters room.

Allison Tanner was what most people would call stunning, the girl even though only 15 years old matured much earlier than other girls her age leading most to believe she was in her late teens to early twenties. Especially when they saw the way she cared for her younger siblings, the way she cared and nurtured them like they were her own.

She has her mothers touch; her love and compassion towards people. Pamela also gave Allison a beautiful blue stoned necklace that she hasn't taken off since the funeral, her mother wanted her to have it so she would never take it off.

"What's the matter sweetie? Are you hungry?" Allison asked picking her up out of her crib, "let's get you a bottle, how does sound?"

Michelle just babbled making Allison chuckle, she held Michelle in one arm while making her bottle with the other. She really had this in the bag if she had to say so herself.

She sat in the rocking chair and fed Michelle before burping her and changing her into a fresh diaper and a new outfit for the day.

"Let's go say goodbye to Grandma." Allison said scooping her up. "But first I need to change, so just bare with me."


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