𝙳𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚢'𝚜 𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎

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Allison is sitting downstairs on the couch flipping through a fashion magazine with Joey and DJ sitting next to her while Stephanie, who is dressed in her ballerina tutu with headphones as she dances around the room.

"One two three four. One two three four." Stephanie counted as she spun around the room making Allison slowly look up from her magazine

"Stephanie hun. Your missing a few numbers." Allison chuckled but Stephanie didn't seem to hear her

"Stephanie, you've been rehearsing for three days straight. You're this close to ballerina burn out." Joey spoke but Stephanie didn't answer him either

"Stephanie." Allison, Joey, and DJ said but Stephanie continued dancing

"Stephanie." They tried again

"Stephanie!" They exclaimed as Allison took Stephanie's headphones off

"I am not Stephanie. I'm a swan who's about to kick the bucket." Stephanie said as she dances past Joey and collapses.

"Oh God, there's a dead swan in the living room!" Joey exclaimed

"Joey, I'm alive. I was just acting." Stephanie sighed as she sat up

"No! Get out of town! Unbelievable!" Joey said sarcastically making Allison chuckle

"Steph I don't see why your practicing so much, your a natural." Allison said setting her magazine down

"Because daddy is going to be at the recital and I don't want to look like a doofus." Stephanie said before they heard a car pull into the driveway. "Uh oh, that's daddy! I don't want him to see me in my tutu until show time! YIKES!"

Stephanie hurried into the kitchen just as Danny came through the front door in a hurry.

"Sorry I'm late. I was editing my feature on Great Moments In Bowling, and I got held up when I couldn't find a second moment." Danny said

"So dad, after Stephanie's recital, we hit the big sale at the Fashion Mart." DJ smiled and Allison nodded

"We have to go dad. After all, everything is half off." Allison smiled high-fiving DJ

"Of course that doesn't save me any money, because you'll just buy twice as much stuff right?" Danny asked DJ and Allison

"I like your attitude." DJ nodded as Jesse came down the stairs dressed in a tuxedo.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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